Hey! dan...
Gal 3:5 "He therefore that minisereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
Speaking of the gifts of the Spirit and of body ministry: there is a fullness of the Spirit that is gifted as an anointing upon the Church by those who have desired the best gifts which fulfills the promise that; out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water.
Each gift of the Spirit operates by faith. To know your gift is often found by hindsight in reflecting upon how the Lord moves while we minister/serve those who're in need. For others it's obvious, like a light coming on in a dark room. Some gifts of the Spirit are meant for the brethren and some are for the lost to see Jesus lifted up. Some gifts work to be seen and some work from within a prayer closet.
To stir-up your gift, draw near to the Lord, who is found in the word by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. As we get closer, the Lord shares his heart with us and we learn to love those whom he loves so so much and become such as those who sacrifice time and effort in ministering Jesus to the lost and the blessings of the Spirit to the brethren. A penitent heart with a clear conscience is how to minister in the power of the Spirit. That would be how to stir-up one's gift of the Spirit and have the anointing of the Lord's presence upon you to grow. Fluency comes by use.