If you hear a lie often enough "that the democratic party is the compassionate party" then one believes it.
They think money is far more evil than everything you have listed above.
Also somehow they have also come to believe, very erroneously, that the dem party is the party of the disadvantaged.
Really those that support a leftist agenda are filled with envy of the rich so they are willing to overlook everything else.
I agree with your sentiment, but I will point out a couple of things . . .
The DNC, and Liberals in general continually paint themselves as compassionate, moral, wanting to "co-exist" and always claiming to be "all-inclusive." We know,
from their behavior,
not their words, that they actually are not any of the above things. As long as one of the most fiercely advocated platforms of Liberalism is abortion, no Liberal is actually compassionate and no Liberal actually has any moral values. You can't have moral values
and believe that the murder of human beings is acceptable. And one certainly cannot be a Christian and actively support a politician who advocates abortion and still be serving God. You cannot support something God both abhors and forbids and still claim to serve Him at the same time.
The Lefts talk of inclusiveness and co-existing is just that: Talk. They agree with these concepts, as long as people agree with
their position. Otherwise, the Left tries to openly marginalize, ostracize, silence and actively punish any who disagree with them. Things like free speech and freedom of religion evaporate if what you believe in opposes what Liberals
tell you you have to believe in. We see politicians and spoiled celebrities bemoaning how badly the country has gone retrograde since Trump took office, when, in reality, nothing has changed that much. The job market has gotten somewhat better, the economy seems to be somewhat better, but I highly doubt that can be chalked up to much more than a collective sense of hope that Trump would be much more in tune with trying to help the economy than Obama was. At any rate, the real underlying angst in the Leftist camp is that what they perceived as their continuing Socialist and Liberalist juggernaut they viewed as being fast-tracked by Obama and would continue unabated with Hillary got de-railed, because in reality, the majority of the country doesn't want Socialism, and more to the point, they are sick of rich politicians, and elitist celebrities telling them what's best for them while also telling them they are backward and stupid. In other words, they are pouting because they didn't get their way, like a child who didn't get the Popsicle they asked for. In reality, the DNC is a party of spoiled brats.
Liberal politicians are envious of wealth, because they have theirs, and they have no wish to share a piece of the pie. Although they constantly bleet to anyone who will listen how much they care about the "poor" and how much they feel for minorities, they don't actually do anything to help these Special Victim Groups they claim to care so much about. In fact, it isn't lost on people who have been around for a few decades that everything a Liberal does for these groups they claim to care about actually is designed to keep them exactly where they are. You can't solve poverty by throwing money at it. The government has been doing it since the 60's and we have more poor now than ever. Welfare programs are designed to give enough entitlements to keep people on the dole where they are, but also give them no resources, or incentive, to better themselves. It keeps them locked in a cycle. And that's exactly where their controllers want them. Abortion is, and always has been, the check that is meant to keep their numbers as low as possible. That is what it was designed for from the beginning, and the obedient still willingly kill their offspring at the behest of the Left. Not only do they obey, they openly praise and defend the vehicle that is actively killing them.
Whatever a Liberal is virulently telling you is good for you is always a con job. What they are trying to sell you is good for