The Bible considers everyone being born into this world, a sinner. Even the new born baby who haven't done any wrong is considered a sinner (Psa.51:5),
Now wasn't it unfair that we were made sinners because of one man, Adam. It was not us who sinned but he, Adam. We became sinners because we carry Adam's corrupted sinful blood in our veins. Just think of it, my father committed a crime, but his children is held responsible for it and must suffer the punishment of death. That's totally unfair. God knew that it was unfair that's why He decided to send His Son to take away that old debt, Adam's sin that we got by inheritance. "There is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the WORLD, not the righteous, not the good, but the sinful world. The Bible speaks of our Old Sin. Christ dealt with our OLD Inherited Sin which was un-wilfully placed on us, that debt was CANCELLED OUT. But we are guilty of personal sin. A baby's inherited sin from Adam is cancelled on the cross and since they haven;t committed any personal, they get saved.
Now wasn't it unfair that we were made sinners because of one man, Adam. It was not us who sinned but he, Adam. We became sinners because we carry Adam's corrupted sinful blood in our veins. Just think of it, my father committed a crime, but his children is held responsible for it and must suffer the punishment of death. That's totally unfair. God knew that it was unfair that's why He decided to send His Son to take away that old debt, Adam's sin that we got by inheritance. "There is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the WORLD, not the righteous, not the good, but the sinful world. The Bible speaks of our Old Sin. Christ dealt with our OLD Inherited Sin which was un-wilfully placed on us, that debt was CANCELLED OUT. But we are guilty of personal sin. A baby's inherited sin from Adam is cancelled on the cross and since they haven;t committed any personal, they get saved.