NOTE: The following is strictly my own opinion.
To me it seems like looking for marriage before meeting somebody you want to marry is like trying to write a song before you have anything to say - it seems backward, and likely to end in an empty song. One should start with something that needs to be expressed, then sit down and write a song that fits the idea. If you try to make a song just for the sake of making a song... well you wind up with a lot of Christian Contemporary music these days (or disco songs for those who were teens back in the 80's.) If you start with "I need to get married" and then go looking for somebody, you probably will find somebody you shouldn't have found.
"Don't you want to get married some day?"
"No, because I don't know any women I want to marry. Now if that changes, if I meet a nice lady and we start talking and someday I realize I want to marry her, then my answer will change and I will at that point want to get married."
Of course I could be wrong. There might be some people who have found good spouses by starting from "I need to get married."