So this is one of those dreams that I am not sure if it was from God or not and if it was then was it prophetic in nature? I fell asleep last night talking God as I normally do and then I was watching from a third person view some weird event going on with the chip implant people are talking about. A company was paying people to take the chip as an experiment this particular chip altered the human body itself it turned two normal men into huge muscular men free from all genetic defects and also with a strong and built body.
then a person who I guess was a reporter or something on the news called it a revolutionary technical advancement and the person from the company who either was the owner or an employee said that they are very excited to announce that by 2037 everyone will have these implants and the dream ended with the reporter on the news saying will 2037 be the start of futuristic era we see on t.v. shows all the time.
It was strange to say the least after I woke up I just couldn't get it out of my head
then a person who I guess was a reporter or something on the news called it a revolutionary technical advancement and the person from the company who either was the owner or an employee said that they are very excited to announce that by 2037 everyone will have these implants and the dream ended with the reporter on the news saying will 2037 be the start of futuristic era we see on t.v. shows all the time.
It was strange to say the least after I woke up I just couldn't get it out of my head
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