Being single all my life, in my opinion, some are not meant to be married, some are not interested, or some just don't want to have the complications that comes with marriage, and with the world we live in today, you cannot blame people for not wanting to get married.
I have learnt to become content with being single. For me I believe such a lifestyle was never meant for me. Just with all of my circumstances in life has led me to this conclusion. It took me a while, but I myself am at a state of peaceful happiness with my singleness. I need not worry about having children to be brainwashed by a corrupt system, need not worry about having children to become so confused they don't know what gender they are, don't have to worry about having children to become addicted to drugs and so on.
From my point of view, I actually have been spared a lot of pain and grief, considering the world we live in. But it does come at a price, and sadly that price is loneliness. In some ways it can be seen as a trade-off.
All single people will have a desire for companionship, it is a natural emotion. But for the world we live in today, you have to ask this question "Is marriage worth the risk?" This is something only each individual can decide.