From my daughter in law's devotional. Can you see the red flags?
"If you claim to hate anyone and love God, you are a hypocrite. Christ does not tolerate those that hate, teaching about how we should treat even our worst enemies. You can look to the Old Testament, of course, and find examples of God showing favor to some people and hating others, but that all changed when his son, Christ, was born. With Christ’s birth we were all something new, including God. There are no instances of Christ spreading hate, and we should try to follow his lead. If we all do this, the word will disappear, and a new world will appear."
What are they and why?
We cannot hate a single person, but love all people, which love is the fulfilling of the law, which love means we do not want any harm, or evil to befall a person, no matter how they act towards us, and let God handle it for He said vengeance is mine, I will repay.
This love also includes caring about their needs.
I would point out 2 things.
1.We are all something new, including God, is not correct, for we are changed by the Spirit so we become something new, a new creature in Christ, and all things are new, but God did not change to something new, for He is the same past, present, and future, and His love, and holiness, are always the same, as well as all His attributes.
2.We should not hate, but all people should try to follow Christ's lead, and if we all do this then this world will disappear, and a new world will appear, is not correct.
For Jesus is coming back when He comes back, and on a schedule that only the Father knows regardless of the situation of the world, and their behavior, for it does not matter if there is only 2 people following Christ when He comes back, He is going to put down the world, and take those 2 people to be with Him, for God has to end this sin business on earth one day.
Also the Bible says that the world rebels against God when they follow the man of sin, New Age Christ, which God warns the saints of the new age movement that will pave the way for those that do not love God to where they establish a kingdom where they rebel against God, and do not acknowledge a personal God, but honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, for they believe in evolution, and people can still evolve to be greater, and spiritual, which they believe the New Age Christ will cause that to happen.
So the world will not all come to the truth of Jesus Christ, and the God of Israel, and Jesus is coming back regardless of the situation of the world in their behavior, and the world rebels against God.
Although Jesus and the saints shall rule over the heathen that God spared at the battle of Armageddon for 1000 years, and then heaven and earth shall pass away, and the saints will then go to the New Jerusalem, where sin has never been, and sin will never be, and sin and rebellion will never come up again, and the former earth and heaven shall not be remembered, nor come to mind, for they are associated with sin, and rebellion.
But the former heaven, and earth, passing away, and the new heaven, and earth, coming about, had nothing to do with all the world accepting the truth of God, and Jesus, and not hating each other, for this to occur, for it was going to happen regardless of the behavior of the people on earth whether they followed the truth, or not.
And also not hating each other is not the requirement for a better world as being alone, but by accepting Jesus, and receiving the Spirit, which is the only way to love people perfectly, and people without that will never truly love, for the flesh will not allow it, although they can show traits of love.
Which the whole world will not accept the truth of Jesus, and the God of Israel, so according to this logic that all must not hate, but love for the new world to come about would never come about.
3.There might be a problem with God showed favor to some in the Old Testament, and hated others, but that changed when His Son came, for it sounds as if she is saying all shall be saved, but God still accepts some, and rejects other, depending on whether they accept the truth or not, like He accepted some, and rejected others in the Old Testament, depending on whether they accepted the truth or not, which is to follow God's ways.