It does not seem as though justice would be served does it? Thankfully it is not you, me, or even his ex-wife that would have the burden to judge him, because I do not know about you, but it would be very difficult for my flesh to handle....especially if I was her.
The Pastor happens to live within the dispinsation of grace, but he does have to be truly saved to enter the kingdom of heaven. Perpetual sin, as you say, was a doctrine my father raised me on...before he died, his last words were “my grace is sufficient for thee” , I watched him change...I was glad for him, that he was able to love those that did not seemingly deserve it...including myself...this Pastor may be the cruelest person inside, he may never have been saved......only God can discern his heart, and he will.
For your friend, I pray that she surrounds herself with friends and family and finds peace....this life can be so unfair. But she needs confidence now, she also needs to meet the real love of her life, I know that he is waiting for her....with prayer, they will find each other