Wow. 80s flashback. Didn't know people still believed in this.
My exact thoughts! I remember the whole thing about Led Zepplin. Someone played it backwards to PROVE what it was saying. I think I listened to that a thousand times, and I never heard what was supposed to have been said.
As for "Another one bites the dust”. Aparently played backwards it says
“Start to smoke marijuana”!!
"Tsud eht setib eno rehtona." Is "Another one bites the dust" spelled backwards. Not even close to "Start to smoke marijuana." There are 2 M's in the latter, and none in the former. No S at the beginning, either.
I had been a Christian for 2 years, at the time this nonsense started, but even then, common sense prevailed, and I knew this is just another piece of nonsense. It is not even a conspiracy, because it doesn't even have a grain of truth to it!
This is pure deception! Not even close to what people are saying it says. Backmasking was a evil lie by Christian leaders to scare children and even adults. Bob Larson was a big one for this. He simply was not telling the truth.