Here is sound doctrine derived from the Word of God but not said outright.
It may seem off but as I was making up some unleavened bread it occurred to me, something wonderful.
Althou we do not truly realize it always we do not have leavening in our houses, for our house is truly the Temple of god and we are lively stones of that House.
How can this be? Our understanding and our teaching is of Jesus, that Bread from Heaven born in the House of Bread, Bethlechem.
He, being our only bread from Heaven, is our Bread, and there is no leavening in His Word.
Leven is only found in the bread of men teaching things God has never given us to learn. BEware the rabbinical teaching of man.
Have the Bread from Heaven. If you do, like it or not, you are always keeping the Passover...because of our Savior, the Bread from Heaven, praise Jesus, Yeshua, amen.