It might be because believers are concerned about DV putting The Church, The Body of Christ in a bad light, like it’s kinda like a bad testimony and they don’t want people to be put off Christianity or The Church.
I can understand that, and His Body needs to be honoured, but not to the point where someone could be suffering in silence, invalidated, denied, minimised or even blamed. Where’s the balance then??? (Thinking out loud...)
Yet Jesus is very very near to the broken-hearted, He deeply cares for the wounded. He carried our sorrows ! He can bind up wounds ! He Cares for the oppressed! He came to set captives free. He’s also given us the ministry of reconciliation... and guides us on marriage, how that should be lived out by both parties...
It is indeed a sensitive topic.. there are some ministries out there for people affected by DV in The Church, sadly it does happens.... some may not like to face the fact that DV happens, but I pray awareness, education improves... that it can be handled well so the wounded aren’t re-traumatised by abuse by being alienated from others, or getting help / support / sound ministry.
God knows, and deeply cares for anyone out there getting hurt in this way. I pray as a Church, we get better at handling this delicate issue... For the sake of Jesus’ body and for people being hurt.
Prompted to request prayer .... for domestic violence going on behind closed doors... for all parties to receive help from God, and believers to be educated, properly trained to handle delicate situations, to not gossip about it, to find balance in being a support to peeps ..... June Hunt is a great resource to start with. Jesus Bless the OP. Joyful pic
just my ten bobs worth... feel passionate about this, sorry if I ranted or came across preachy, didn’t mean to... there’s a lot I’d like to share on the subject ... God Bless