He needs to do better research and maybe comb his hair too!
When the Pew Research Center asked them (white evangelicals, 2016 Election) which issues—not limited to a single one—were “very important” to them in deciding how to cast their votes, terrorism (89%) and the economy (87%) ranked higher than Supreme Court appointments (70%) and abortion (52%).
Frank Schaeffer has completely destroyed any credibility by putting the term "Fascism" in the title of this book. People really need to stop throwing around this term, those that do only show their willful ignorance if history and the real trauma of fascism.
Such a shame, I have read all his father's books, Francis Schaeffer, one of the more profound writers of our time.
While I agree it is sad to see so many "evangelicals" whatever that means anymore, fall victim to frauds like Hagee, I do believe there are many evangelicals that know better and there is a resurgence among the youth towards conservative governmental values.
"Turning Point USA" being one such movement.
These young conservative intellectuals, religious and non religious are the true future leaders, no one cares about Falwell and Dobson and more, thank goodness.