why do you always feel it necessary to lie about others?
these words are for me precisely because He saved me and gave me eternal life.
why does it bother you that person's faith can be strong enough to see these things as being reality?
why does it irk you that i am sure of the hope i have in Him?
As the Christ teaches, there are "many" folks who will claim God's Grace and Mercy, "in that day" having been convinced, as Eve was, that they are already immortal, already saved and that much of God's Word is against them. But the Christ, the very Word of God they claim gave them immortality, says lip service and traditions which transgress His Commandments will not lead to Life. That man shall
live by "EVERY WORD" Which proceeds out of the mouth of God.
His Word exposes lip service and religious traditions whether they be "wrought" in God or not. You have said over and over that many of God's Word's are not for you, actually against you so much so that Jesus came to "Remove them" (your words). Then when I say "you don't believe these Words are for you", you call me a liar.
You won't engage in the discussion of "WHO" receives God's Grace since it is clear that most who "believe" they will, shall not? At least according to the Christ of the Bible.
It's not about you, it's about the religions of the world whose doctrines you promote, all while calling Him Lord, Lord.
the physical sign of the Mosaic covenant is not an 'eternal quality' of God.
is circumcision of the flesh an 'eternal quality of God' ?
you don't even have any idea whether i keep sabbath in the flesh or not.
but do you hold a malicious grudge because i uphold the command 'do not let anyone judge you over a sabbath' ?
Far be it from me to judge some of the Word's of God as not "eternal quality". The Mainstream Preachers of Christ's Time also "omitted" parts of His Word which they considered not worthy of their religion. Could it be that you have been convinced to do the same. OH, that's right, you are already immortal.
You are omitting an important part of Col. 2.
'do not let anyone judge you over a sabbath'".
Paul isn't speaking about "Rudiments of the World" or man's traditions here as you imply. He is speaking about the Holy Days and Sabbaths created by the Word of God, the Christ, which became Flesh in the person of Jesus. These are His Words, His creation. Of course I am not to let you or the Pope or the Pharisees judge me in "denying myself and following the Christ".
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body
is of Christ.
The verse has different meaning when you don't leave off the parts that "irk" you.
Is Passover and Feast of Unleavened bread a religious tradition of man? Or did the 100% Christ create them for us and show us how to follow HIM in them?
Every person on the planet who calls Him Lord, Lord claims His Grace and Mercy. But the creator of Grace and Mercy, the Christ, the Word of God said this:
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
It's about the Word of God to me Post, ALL of them. Not the religions of the land we were warned about over and over.