I second the God in dreams. However he is different in them too.
-One time I was swinging from his hands which were huge. We were both laughing. I think his arms were golden.
-Another he was talking to me as a professor. He told me something in Greek. When I looked it up it he told me something that ended up happening in the future. It was something amazing. He was an old man.
-Another time I met an angel. Not exactly God, but when I woke up I said that was Jesus. He was in white, crown, gold hair. It was more about the holiness and the beauty you could actually feel though. I've never felt those emotions before but I look forward to it in the future.
-Had another where I was flying over a stream with I consider an angel. He was old man, dressed in white.
I typically picture him in white, gold, and huge which is my experience. Even the angels...my hand is like a toddlers in their hand. And I'm not that short.