With the tension around Israel what should Christians be doing.
The Bible says pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and in the future the whole earth shall be gathered together against Jerusalem, the Jews, Israel, and whoever burdens themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, and at that time all the Jews will be on their land for God will see to it, for when the Gentile nations come together they will cause all the Jews to go to Israel, which is what the New Age Christ wants for he wants to deceive them, for salvation is of the Jews, and Israel as a nation has to come to the truth that Jesus is their Messiah, for that is the only way God can continue on with His plan of salvation, so they will come to the truth, and the New Age Christ wants to hinder that but he will not succeed.
So I think it is best, and right, to always stand with Israel, and God will turn the nation of Israel to the truth in the future, which is why the world attacks them for the world has rejected the Gospel, and not allowing it to be preached in the future on a worldwide level.
And why would a Gentile want to go against their homeland Israel, and not stand with Israel, for when a Gentile is saved they become a Jew inward, and part of the commonwealth of Israel, so Israel is your home now if you are a Gentile saint, and we are strangers passing through the land looking for a better home, one that is made by God.
So in truth if all the people that confess Jesus as Lord and Savior were in the truth, and understood the truth then Israel should have over a billion people supporting them, instead of thinking the Church replaces Israel when Israel is the Church, and Jesus said salvation is of the Jews, and that is why the new earth is called the New Jerusalem, and the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 apostles of the Lamb, are written in the New Jerusalem.
We should always stand with Israel for she is our home now, for we belong to the commonwealth of Israel, and world without end which is the new earth, the New Jerusalem.
Because it is Israel all the way, which God said He is no respecter of persons, and Peter said God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation those that fear God, and do righteousness, is accepted by Him.
But God had to start with a nation and then let it branch out form there, and Israel is it, and Jerusalem the mother of us all.