Ok, so the last part killed me, lol.... Story is wild? How? I prefer raising them from pups to dogs .. more loyal.... Our fast dog was what I believe feral means... We used to hear whining every night.. so my mum decided to know what was making that noise... Our neighbours said they heard it too... But my mum found the pup and took him in... He seemed scared kinda... I can never forget those eyes when he looked at me... He was shivering from fear I guess... Then my mum gave him a bowl of milk... Didn't drink it as she expected so she gathered some of our leftovers and gave him in a bowl.... Unfortunately for us... The place we were staying didn't callow dogs so we kept him at our grandparents... He was such a lovely dog... I named him matrix, lol... My bro taught him how to stand and do a handshake... Still can't believe it, lol... He was super strong... Broke his chain leash 3 times till it only had 2 or 3 of those metal joining, lol... I think he was chasing something and I was tryna hold him down... Couldn't believe it... And he wasn't such a big dog... He was before the female that birthed 8.... Sigh... Memories... I told my mum to get a cat but she said their fur causes asthma for babies and since we got a lotta them... No cats for now... Dogs will still be my number 1 though... Sigh... I don't like loud music cuz it makes my brain rattle but depends on the decibel... I'm surprised I could play that one... Maybe cuz the volume was at 10 and I was wearing 1 ear of my earpiece.... But still, lol... It was manageable... I should shut up now. Lol