A place for rapture questions

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2018
Brother Nehemiah6 you do error not understanding the verse:

Joh_10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

But if you will hear it, and if not, so be it, matters not, but that i fail not to mention the TRUTH, even though most certainly i will be ridiculed by it, from this generation.

You do error not understanding that Saints do not only come from Earth. You are assuming that when Jesus comes with the Saints, that those Saints are from Earth, as if Earth is the only planet in the Universe that can create Saints.

Goat Christians, gather up your stones. But i have not failed to tell you the TRUTH.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

And thats it folks!

Ooh I will be ridiculed by this generation, oooh how ye dont have ears to hear. oooh how I have been revealed these secrets oooh... the sickening smell of self-righteousness and victim complex is just... revolting honestly.

I will just ignore this joke so I wont have to keep responding to this stuff. Why is claiming to be infallable allowed on here?


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Hello Sherlock

Where do you think the saints he comes with go now? Are the twelve Apostles and the countless thousands of Christians
who have died since the resurrection hanging out somewhere waiting for this pre tribulation event. To make it more personal
if you or I died tonight would we be with Christ or would we be hanging out somewhere like the Caribbean waiting for the rapture
so that we could make a surprise return seven years later?

You do error not understanding that those who die in Christ SLEEP until He gets here to the Earth. No man has ascended up to Heaven except Jesus. No man has seen the Father at any time, which all the inhabitants of Heaven do SEE HIM. There is only one day that determines who will go to Heaven and who will not go to Heaven, and that day is Judgment Day, the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Great for those who are asleep in Christ which will rise first, and then the living, and Terrible for all those who remain, save the 144,000.
Judgement Day ( to determine who is and who is not SAVED) does not happen at the time of a person death. Judgement Day is one particular Day when the Father tells the Son "Go" and then Jesus will return to the Earth, on THAT DAY is when those who have died in the past, Noah, DAVID, Moses, the Prophets, the Saints, will rise from their sleeping to be with Jesus, Then after they rise Jesus and the Saints (which were risen from the dead) will go around the Earth gathering up the living followers of Jesus Christ, those who are sheep and not the goats or wolves.

For the Spirit of Noah is asleep to this very day. To Noah, his spirit will have went to sleep and then seconds later (to him) Jesus is Here to get him, even though thousands of earth years have passed. Sleep knows no time. Even though a spirit has slept for thousands of years, to that spirit it will be mere seconds from the time they died (went to sleep) to the time Christ returns to the Earth to rapture them from their sleeping. Then Jesus and that spirit (Saint) will go about rapturing up the living sheep of Jesus Christ.

There is not one verse in all of Scriptures that teach when a person dies they immediately go to Heaven or to Hell. Not one. Note: please do not try to validate that false teaching by using the example of the thief on the cross. We KNOW that Jesus said He would be in the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights, and could not have possibly taken the thief on the cross to HEAVEN on the same day that He was crucified, when we also KNOW that Jesus had not yet even ascended to Heaven until after he was risen from the dead. Also those who believe that false doctrine try to use the PARABLE of Lazarus and the Rich man. The Father in Heaven is NOT Abraham. Which is why Jesus said "Father Abraham" to reveal this is indeed a PARABLE.

Luk_16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

There are so many things that prove that it is a parable it amazes me that people can actually think it is a real event, well not really satan is the god of this world, so there you go. Tell me, Do you really think the rich man being tormented in flames of fire, would ask that a drop of water be placed on his tongue, really, that is what you believe if that were a real event. lol. as if a drop of water would prevent his torment in flames one iota. lol. Blows my mind how people in this generation can think this is a true event that Jesus was describing. And also the man being in torment by flames of fire, is going to have compassion for his brothers, love for them. IN Hell but having feelings of LOVE for his brothers who have not yet come to where he is at. Really? Burning in fire and what he asks for, is for his brothers to not come there with him, and asks for a mere drop of water on his tongue? People wake up, its a parable, NOT a real event in any way whatsoever. But it is very like satan to cause confusion by getting people to believe a Parable is an actual event to propagate his false doctrine.

There are no Scriptures that teach when a person dies they immediately go to Heaven or to Hell. Notice how i keep saying "or to Hell" Because most who believe that false doctrine, think when a person dies they immediately go to Heaven, but they do not even dare think about those who die immediately go to Hell. Because Scriptures are plain and clear when people are put into Hell and that is at the Great White Throne Judgment. So then what? EVERYONE that dies goes to Heaven, only to come back one day to be Judged as not getting to go to Heaven. i am telling you the TRUTH, When a True Christian (sheep) dies, they sleep. EXACTLY as Scriptures teaches they will.

Joh_11:11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

Tell me, When Lazarus died did he go to Heaven or went to sleep?

Act_13:36 For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:

So when David died, did he go to Heaven or went to sleep?

Act 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool.

This verse plainly and clearly teaches CONTRARY to the doctrine that teaches when we die we immediately go to Heaven, this verse plainly teaches that David is dead and has NOT ascended into Heaven. Scriptures teach when we die we do not go immediately to Heaven, yet there is a doctrine today that teaches when you die, you DO go to Heaven, this is NOT Scriptural at all, it is a false doctrine. What, if you die, you immediately go to Heaven, but when David died he does not? Are you better than King David?

1Ki 15:5 Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.

King David is still with us to this very day. Sleeping, Awaiting the Messiah to Return and rise him from the dead.

1Co_11:30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

So many who die, do not go to Heaven or to Hell do they? This verse plainly and clearly teaches that they also sleep.

1Th_4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

Those who sleep in Jesus, Their flesh is decayed and their spirit is asleep. These will rise when Jesus gets here to bring with Him, to gather up the living when He gets here.

i assure you, if when a person dies they immediately go to Heaven, that King David would be there right now. But what does Scriptures plainly teach? King David did not ascend into Heaven, and still with us to this day. Any Doctrine that contradicts plain Scriptures is a false doctrine.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012

††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

And thats it folks!

Ooh I will be ridiculed by this generation, oooh how ye dont have ears to hear. oooh how I have been revealed these secrets oooh... the sickening smell of self-righteousness and victim complex is just... revolting honestly.
A self-righteous person makes his/her own self righteous. How does me saying that what God told me is infallible, make ME self righteous? That just don't make any since whatsoever. That would be like Einstein telling his pupil to go tell Professor Plum that E=MC(squared) and then Professor Plum saying to the Pupil "Wow, you are the smartest person alive" Do you see how dumb that actually is? i say something that God told me, and plainly tell you God told me, and you think i am self righteous, as if what i said comes from my own thinking. lol. just plain silliness.

I will just ignore this joke so I wont have to keep responding to this stuff.
You say one thing but do another, do you not? You say you won't respond by responding.

Why is claiming to be infallable allowed on here?[/QUOTE]

Who has claimed to be infallible and i will have a talk with him/her.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
They (their souls and spirits) go to be with Christ in Heaven until the resurrection of the saints.
Really? What Scriptures teach that? Please inform.

At the Resurrection/Rapture the saints (souls and spirits) who died in Christ (those who metaphorically *sleep in Christ*) are brought by Him (and with Him) to be united with their resurrected and glorified bodies.
So they are first in human flesh bodies, then they die and rise to be with Christ in a Spiritual body, then come back to the Earth to get yet another Glorified body. Is that what you are teaching? People the Spiritual Body is the Glorified body.

And at the same time, those saints who are alive on earth are transformed -- perfected and also given glorified bodies.
Their Spiritual Bodies, that is correct.

Then ALL THE GLORIFIED SAINTS (the Bride of Christ) rise to meet the Lord in the air and return with Him to Heaven.
Are you not assuming that it is back to Heaven? Scriptures does not in any way whatsoever teach it is back to Heaven. The dead and living rise to be with Jesus WHERE HE IS AT, and will be with Jesus where HE IS AT, is what Scriptures plainly and clearly teach. You are assuming that He goes back to Heaven, even though NO Scriptures teaches that, nor does Scriptures indicate that. Your assumption is in error. When Jesus Returns to the Earth the second time, He is here to stay and set up His Kingdom ON EARTH, out of the Holy City Jerusalem which comes down out of Heaven to the Earth, which then becomes the Kingdom of Heaven.

Know you not that it is written, the Earth abideth forever, and that Day and Night on the Earth shall NEVER cease. Why is that? If we all go to Heaven and all the wicked are in Hell, why would there be a need for the Earth to abide forever when nobody will be there? This generation needs to open up their ears to what God has told me and believe Him. Heaven is coming to the Earth, and the Earth will be the footstool of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Holy City Jerusalem comes down out of Heaven, bringing the Father in it, Which at that time the Earth becomes the Kingdom of Heaven, because on the Earth in the entire Universe is where the Father will dwell. The realm of Earth will become the Kingdom of Heaven, when the Holy City gets here at the coming of Jesus Christ to Rapture His Church. All the Kingdoms of the Earth will become the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, He will reign over all the nations of the World with a rod of iron. When Jesus comes out of Heaven to the Earth, He is bringing Heaven with Him.

Know you not that Heaven is where ever the Father or the Son of God is at? Why do you think that Jesus kept on saying "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" Because the Son of God was ON EARTH. When the Holy City gets here with the FATHER inside of it, the Kingdom of Heaven comes to EARTH. This is that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. When Jesus comes back the second time, He is here to stay, and when He comes the Holy City is coming with Him, the very place that He has prepared for us to live in. When Jesus gets here the second time, the Holy City is with Him and the Saints will live and reign with Jesus Christ over the whole Earth, out of the Holy City where your mansion is.

Following that we must fit in the judgment of the works of the saints at Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven, and the handing out of rewards.
Where do you think the Judgment Seat of Christ is? In Heaven or in the Holy City that comes down out of Heaven to the Earth?

Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

So the Holy City comes out of Heaven to the Earth.

Rev 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty (Father) and the Lamb (Jesus) are the temple of it.

Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb

So the Throne of God is in the Holy City. NOT IN HEAVEN.

Rev 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God (Father) and of the Lamb (Son of God, Jesus) shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

So where is the Judgment Seat of Christ at? In Heaven or in the Holy City where Jesus is at?

satan has blinded the people of this world to the understanding that when Jesus Returns the SECOND TIME, the Holy City Jerusalem will be coming with Him. It is at this Time the Rapture happens, Jesus sets up His Kingdom on EARTH, the Saints are risen to be with Jesus where He is at, which is the Holy City Jerusalem that will be located over where Jerusalem is presently. On that Day He Returns is Judgment Day, the ONLY DAY that determines who will and who will not be taken up to be with Jesus in the Holy City where our Mansions are. ONLY on that Day is one TRULY SAVED, if when the Books are opened and their name is has not been blotted out but remains in the Book of Life, will be taken up to be with Jesus forever and ever. What i tell you here is what God told me is going to happen. If what i say above is not Scriptural, then surely there will be many Scriptures pasted in response to what i have just said above. Howbeit, NOBODY can post one Scripture that is contrary to what i just told you God told me. NOT ONE VERSE. What i tell you is not from me, but is what God told me. If i take the credit for it, then i am self-righteous. But if i tell you the TRUTH that it is God who told me, and i plainly and clearly give Him the credit, it is not from me, but from Him, if i lie, then let me and all those that i love and that love me, die a horrible, painful, long suffering death, and burn in Hell for all eternity. But if i am telling you the TRUTH, would it not behoove you to be like the Bereans, and search out the Scriptures to see if what i am saying lines up with Scriptures or not? Or will you do what this generation does continually and disregard what i say because it merely does not line up with what YOU BELIEVE?
i thank God that i am judged by Scriptures, and not what humans of this generation deem to be right.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Did the Holy Spirit typo the word Sheppard (Shepherd) when He supposedly inspired your infallible message there? NO!

Its you typing, not the Holy Spirit :)
God is luv. We awl shood luv 1 an other.

If i can't spell, does that change the meaning of what is wrote? i write what God told me in the past. i teach what God has told me in conversation many many years ago. He did not write anything down for me, as He did when He wrote on the wall of that certain King. i only recall what He has told me. What? Since you have nothing to respond to all that i said to you, you find fault with spelling, and this is what you address. Really? reminds me of the Scripture, you will swallow a camel but strain at a gnat?

Also didn't you testify that you would not respond to me, because i am a joke, yet we see yet again a response? It really does help to know how old a person is, i have been assuming you are an adult, but the words are of a child. So i correctly know how i should talk to you, how old are you?


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

Jul 23, 2018
God is luv. We awl shood luv 1 an other.

If i can't spell, does that change the meaning of what is wrote? i write what God told me in the past. i teach what God has told me in conversation many many years ago. He did not write anything down for me, as He did when He wrote on the wall of that certain King. i only recall what He has told me. What? Since you have nothing to respond to all that i said to you, you find fault with spelling, and this is what you address. Really? reminds me of the Scripture, you will swallow a camel but strain at a gnat?

Also didn't you testify that you would not respond to me, because i am a joke, yet we see yet again a response? It really does help to know how old a person is, i have been assuming you are an adult, but the words are of a child. So i correctly know how i should talk to you, how old are you?


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

The bible is the word of God.
Anyone claiming infalability and misrepresenting Gods word can fool some pple but those well verses see red flags galore.

1) it is NOT a parable. Parables use figurative illustrations. ( "this" represents "this or that")
It is real. Lazarus is Lazarus,the rich man is the rich man,and Abraham is Abraham. Paradise is paradise and the dialogue is plain,not figurative.
In a parable it usually starts out " the kingdom of heaven IS AS....or LIKE."
A parable is a story within a story.
2) If you study " soul sleep vs spirit going to heaven" you will see both sides claiming the high ground.
Jesus DID NOT say to the thief " today you will simply sleep,be in oblivian in the ground"
No,he would be conscious with Jesus.
Where were Moses and Elijah immediately before being transfigured on the mount?
( they weren't asleep)
Paul said " to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"
Hundreds have died and went to heaven or hell. Consistent testimonies.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
The bible is the word of God.
Anyone claiming infalability and misrepresenting Gods word can fool some pple but those well verses see red flags galore.
Amen, anyone who claims infalability and/or misrepresents the Word of God are fit for Hell fire.

1) it is NOT a parable. Parables use figurative illustrations. ( "this" represents "this or that")
It is real. Lazarus is Lazarus,the rich man is the rich man,and Abraham is Abraham. Paradise is paradise and the dialogue is plain,not figurative.
It is apparent you did not google if the Parable of the Lazarus and the Rich man is indeed a parable or not. There are many things concerning the Parable that prove that it is indeed a Parable. For example The Father in Heaven is NOT Abraham, as the Parable says.

In a parable it usually starts out " the kingdom of heaven IS AS....or LIKE."
It is now evident that you do not know how most parables start. Parables concerning the Kingdom of Heaven start out saying what you say above. All other parables start something different.

Mat_21:33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, = Parable

Luk_7:41 There was a certain creditor = Parable

Luk_10:33 But a certain Samaritan = Parable

Luk_16:1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward = Parable

Luk_16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple = Parable (Yet you say it is not a parable)

If it sounds like a parable, starts like a parable, and reads like a parable, it's a 99% chance its a parable. Just because you say it is not a parable doesn't change the FACT that it is indeed a parable. lol.

A parable is a story within a story.
2) If you study " soul sleep vs spirit going to heaven" you will see both sides claiming the high ground.
Jesus DID NOT say to the thief " today you will simply sleep,be in oblivian in the ground"
No,he would be conscious with Jesus.
Where were Moses and Elijah immediately before being transfigured on the mount?
( they weren't asleep)
Yes they were asleep. They were awoken to do what they did. Even as the Prophet Samuel was awoken and spoke with Saul. in I Sam 28

Paul said " to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"
We clearly see what you teach convienently leaving out important words, but what does the Word of God actually teach>

2Co_5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

i too am willing rather to be absent from this body and be present with the Lord.
i am willing rather to be absent from this state and be present in Florida. Does that mean if i am absent from this state then i am present in Florida? lol. Just because Paul was willing rather to be absent from his body and present in Heaven, does not mean when he dies he will be in Heaven. This generation does greatly error not understanding that no man has ascended up to Heaven where the Father is, except ONLY Jesus Christ. Judgement Day is the ONLY day that will determine who is going to Heaven and who is not going to Heaven. The Time of Death does NOT determine if you are going to Heaven or to Hell.

Hundreds have died and went to heaven or hell. Consistent testimonies.
lol, if they actually went to Heaven or to Hell, how do they give testimonies? Now granted God can give people visions of Heaven or of Hell, He can reveal through dreams also Heaven or Hell. But no person has actually been to Heaven or to Hell. Even the Apostle John saw Heaven, but he wasn't actually there, He was being shown all that he seen and heard. Scriptures are True, nobody has ascended into Heaven (where the Father is), but Jesus Christ ONLY.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Apostle Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord. We are told of a new heaven and new earth, many mansions and being with the saints. Good enough for me.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
This earth will be destroyed by great heat, according to Peter, at the LAST trump, when Christ comes for His people. This is the last prophecy to be fulfilled. Maranatha


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
This earth will be destroyed by great heat, according to Peter, at the LAST trump, when Christ comes for His people. This is the last prophecy to be fulfilled.
You have concocted your own fantasy about when the earth will be destroyed. I would suggest that before you make any other absurd comments, get down to some serious Bible study. It is hard work (which you have not put into the subject).

"when Christ comes for His people" = the Rapture

When Christ comes with His saints and angels = the Second Coming

Between the Rapture and the Second Coming, there is a period of at least 7 years

Between the Second Coming and the total supernatural burning of the earth is at least 1,000 years.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2018
You have concocted your own fantasy about when the earth will be destroyed. I would suggest that before you make any other absurd comments, get down to some serious Bible study. It is hard work (which you have not put into the subject).

"when Christ comes for His people" = the Rapture

When Christ comes with His saints and angels = the Second Coming

Between the Rapture and the Second Coming, there is a period of at least 7 years

Between the Second Coming and the total supernatural burning of the earth is at least 1,000 years.
I think the Lord returns soon

Nobody can tell me any different, just look at whats going on in the world (and even in the church). Its insanity.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Apostle Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.
lol. now lets look at what he actually said:

2Co_5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

i say, and willing rather to be absent from the Midwest, and to be present in Cancun.

Above is a TRUE statement. Does it mean if i am absent from the Midwest, then i am in Cancun? lol.

i am willing rather to be absent from this flesh body, and to be present with the Lord. This is TRUE
i am willing rather to not eat this bowl of ramen noodles, and be eating a steak.
Does that statment mean if i am not eating ramen noodles then i am eating steak? lol
i am willing rather to be absent from this flesh, and be in Heaven with Jesus.
Does that statement mean if i am absent from this flesh, then i am automatically in Heave? Lol Just because i would RATHER be somewhere does not mean I AM THERE.
This is a perfect example how false doctrines get started. Paul in the above verse does not say If he is absent from the body he IS present with the Lord. He plainly and crlearly says He would RATHER be absent from the Body and to be present with the Lord. lol Even all the inhabitants of Hell could rightely say "I would RATHER be absent from this Hell and be present with the Lord" Does that also mean those in Hell will be present with the Lord? lol.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††


We are told of a new heaven and new earth, many mansions and being with the saints. Good enough for me.[/QUOTE]


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
This earth will be destroyed by great heat, according to Peter, at the LAST trump, when Christ comes for His people. This is the last prophecy to be fulfilled. Maranatha
That is the Last Prophecy concerning the Return of Jesus Christ, that is True, but there are many other prophecies after Christ sets up His Kingdom on Earth.

At the 7th Trumpet sounding Jesus comes to the Earth in the Holy City and sets up His Kingdom on Earth. This is when He will become King of all kings of the Earth. When all Nations will belong to Him, and all Nations will come and serve Him at the location of the Holy City Jerusalem. And you are absolutely right about the fire. God promises He will never flood the Earth again, evident by His bow in the sky. But He never said He would not destroy the Earth with Fire. The Earth will burn.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Disciple Dave. When quoting scripture it is always better to quote the ENTIRE sentence, text out of context is pretest.

p.s. A sentence ending is with a PERIOD.;)

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

King James Version (KJV)


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Oh, Dave, Dave, Dave..........you read too many jWatchTowers.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
You have concocted your own fantasy about when the earth will be destroyed. I would suggest that before you make any other absurd comments, get down to some serious Bible study. It is hard work (which you have not put into the subject).

"when Christ comes for His people" = the Rapture

When Christ comes with His saints and angels = the Second Coming

How is it not your opinion that the Rapture and the Second Coming are different events. Scriptures does not teach they are separate events.

The first time Jesus comes to the Earth He was in the flesh. At that time He said He would return again. So according to you when Jesus comes to RAPTURE that is not coming a second time? Is that was you are saying? He comes to the Earth a second time to RAPTURE, but that is NOT the second coming of Christ, can you explain how Jesus coming to the Earth a second time is not the second coming of Christ?

The Rapture and the Second Coming are the same event. When Jesus comes to the Earth a second time, He is here to stay, This Second time Jesus comes to the Earth He will set up His Kingdom ON EARTH. There are NO Scriptures at all that teach Jesus comes to the Earth a second time to RAPTURE, then leaves only to return again a THIRD time and call that time the second coming.

People listen to me, i know not how long i will be present with you to continually tell you that when Jesus comes at the 7th Trumpet sounding, the Rapture will happen. The dead are raised first, then on that same day the living will be taken after. At the 7th trumpet sounding when Jesus returns the 2nd and FINAL time to the Earth, He will be bringing with Him that very place He said He was going to prepare for us Saints. At the 7th Trumpet sounding, when the Church is taken up with Him (Dead first then the living) The Holy City Jerusalem will come down out of Heaven WITH JESUS CHRIST. Jesus will then at this time set up His Kingdom ON EARTH. Wake up from your sleeping, all of Scriptures teaches this, from the minor prophets to the major prophets all speak of the time when Jesus sets up His Kingdom on Earth. Who do you think the Saints reign over with Jesus? Read Isiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, and others, which all talk about the reign of Jesus Christ, ON EARTH. Jesus does not come down a second time, return to Heaven, then again returns a third time to the Earth, this doctrine is not of God, but is a false doctrine based solely on private interpretations of men.
There is absolutely NO verse that teaches once Jesus comes to the Earth the second time that He leaves, or leaves and comes back a third time. NOT ONE VERSE teaches that or even implies that nonsense. When Jesus Returns to the Earth the second time, which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the Earth, the Rapture happens, both for the dead and the living. And when He returns the second time, He is here to STAY, and He will be bringing with Him the Holy City, the very place that Jesus plainly said He is going to prepare for us.

If what you believe contradicts even one verse in all of Scriptures, then what you believe is wrong. ONLY if people would grasp that, and understand that. If anything that i teach is contrary to one verse in all of Scriptures then reveal it. i tell you what God told me is going to happen, why does this generation not believe it? It's not because Scriptures contradict anything that i say comes from Him, but this generation does not believe what i say is from God because it is contrary to the false doctrines that they hold on to. NOT contrary to Scriptures, the Word of God, but contrary to what they hold on to. How then do you try the spirits to see if they are from God or from satan? Do you try the spirits based on your own understanding, your own knowledge, your own doctrines? Try the spirits using the Word of God is the ONLY way to try any spirit. If that spirit teaches things contrary to any verse in Scriptures that spirit is evil. If what you teach is contrary to any verse, ANY VERSE, in Scriptures then what you teach is false. That is how you try the spirits. i say unto you that God told me this or that, and how do you try me? By your own doctrines, your own opinions, your own understanding. You judge me, NOT according to Scriptures, but you judge me by your own doctrines, your own belief of what YOU think is the TRUTH. This generation does greatly error in trying the spirits based on mens interpretations. Judge what another person teaches based on what the Word of God says, not what men say the Word of God means (their own interpretations)

Between the Rapture and the Second Coming, there is a period of at least 7 years
Scriptures that teaches that?

Between the Second Coming and the total supernatural burning of the earth is at least 1,000 years.
Scriptures that teaches that?


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Disciple Dave. When quoting scripture it is always better to quote the ENTIRE sentence, text out of context is pretest.

p.s. A sentence ending is with a PERIOD.;)

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

King James Version (KJV)

And i said differently how?

Verses 6 and 7 in no way shape or form changes the word "RATHER" in verse 8. Why did you fail to mention verse 9 and 10? Probably because they irrelevant to verse 8 which we are discussing. Even as verses 6 and 7 are irrelevant to what verse 8 says by saying "RATHER" Seems to me this is what this generation sees when reading verse 8

We are confident, I say, to be absent from the body, and be present with the Lord

That is what this generation reads when they read that verse, do they not? They have altogether left out, or made void the part of the verse which i am addressing "And willing RATHER" which changed the entire verse. But if you want to take away from the Word of God, and not read those words "And willing RATHER" then continue to believe the false doctrine that teaches, if you are absent from the Body you ARE present with the Lord, as this generation currently believes.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Disciple Dave. When quoting scripture it is always better to quote the ENTIRE sentence, text out of context is pretest.

p.s. A sentence ending is with a PERIOD.;)
You said:

Apostle Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord. We are told of a new heaven and new earth, many mansions and being with the saints. Good enough for me.
When quoting Scriptures it is always better to show the verse, and say what the verse actually says, yes?


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Senior Member
Sep 4, 2012
Oh, Dave, Dave, Dave..........you read too many jWatchTowers.
Now it is evident you do not have the gift of discernment, for i have never read a jWatchTowers nor even know what that is.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††



Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
You said:

When quoting Scriptures it is always better to show the verse, and say what the verse actually says, yes?


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

Never used quote marks, it was a statement. You on the other hand referred to your post as to what was ACTUALLY said.
Just so ya know.