We repent. Days pass. We sin. The sin I just committed IS NOT PART of the sins I confessed to when I repented. So, in order to be saved I had to repent of ALL and CURRENT SINS at that moment. That HAS NOTHING to do with future sins, only that I now have a promise that if I am sincere and repent I will be forgiven.
I took all of your scripture references and NOTHING explains when I sin today it goes back to the day I repented.
That is some straight B.S. from the Adversary you got going on there
Repentance is part of our walk, but again, does not replace Christ on the cross. It is Christ and Him crucified. You keep adding something more that we "have to do" in order to be saved, but Christ is enough. He, as scripture says, is the propitiation for our sins. The appeasement.
There are many things we do as a part of our walk, and a natural result of being born-again, a child of God, but to place emphasis on them as the means by which we are saved is another gospel. It is not the truth.
1 John 2 explains it very clearly. If we sin we have an Advocate with the Father, this is speaking of our High Priest Jesus Christ. Why would it say this? He intercedes on our behalf. It is not sin confession for forgiveness that grants our sin's remission, it is the blood of Christ shed at Calvary (and His application of it in Heaven, Hebrews 9:23-28).
Your last statement is ugly, especially because you have, in ignorance, called the truth "bs" and "from the adversary."