what were you talking about? first, you said " No, there was non-group before 1901 which taught that. in context to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. That teaching was done in the Word of God and recorded in Acts. In addition, the word "charisms" and the early church fathers taught of this to be associated with the baptism of the Holy Spirit or Spirit empowerment. it was you said this was not taught before 1901 you sir are incorrect.
Joel 2 which Peter quoted in Acts
The Gospel of John chapter 1
mark 16
Luke 24:49
Acts 1: We see this happen in the book Acts many times (please read all Acts)
all said and done and taught before 1901. If the Word of god is not enough for you then how about the early church father's?
you will need to learn some Greek & Latin to help you understand the teaching they were given in context to the Holy Spirit.
Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism in the Church Fathers
I Clemens
all and many more taught the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit empowerment and all before thr 1900's
I will leave you with some of t my ref:
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20.There is also a Greek version. The oldest text was probably Greek. In translation: 'And [I believe] in the Holy Spirit, the holy church, the foregiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body.'
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