the world already consider us as intolerant, let's not add fuel to the fire
In my experience on forums dedicated to the Bible or the faith, the Bible Discussion forum is typically the worst atmosphere on a site.
Which is a horrible testimony in itself.
However, more than once you'll find someone claiming they love Christ, and hold to his teachings showing their backside proudly and by any means of wicked language in the process as they will , when questioned about that fallen behavior, claim they're doing exactly what Christ would have them do. Because he acted as they did.
In those cases what helped me to understand that wolf's rhetoric and mental illness having joined that particular site that beckons Christians to come together in on-line community is the two scriptures that make it all to make sense. Even Satan can clad himself as an angel of light. And the other scripture, even Satan can quote scripture.
Just because wicked people quote scripture in the process of that demonic demonstration of backside and wicked talk use scripture to uphold their sin it doesn't mean they're of God. Because Jesus never once behaved as they do.
The worst part is their mind is so overcome with the lord of this world's helmet that that follower of his doesn't even realize God see's it all.
As well as see's their defense of their evil controversial preaching.
Come the judgment they won't remark to God the way they do to us as they claim they have a right to verbally abuse the saints and that's because Jesus would want them to. As their example is one which will lead people to him.
The one their ways lead people to laughs about that. Because the lord of this world seeks converts too. What a tragic truth it is when those he finds are on forums dedicated to the true light of the world. Jesus.