You know this is chapter seven, right? The other song was sung where? Chapter five. Before the seals were opened by the Lord in chapter six. Now we are in chapter seven.
Now, you got to know which came out of the great Tribulation and that was after Revelation 6:17 and before the seventh seal in Revelation 8:1. So what do we conclude? We conclude there are two raptures. If God says something, just go with it--stop looking and chopping stuff up.
I've got a Rice Bible. I like brother Rice. His book on prayer is great. He raised his family right, and did all kinds of other good things. To me, though, he was really jacked up on doctrine though. And when you read the notes about who is going to partake of that fruit in the New Jerusalem for the healing of the nations--If the Christian is worthy, he is going to eat of that fruit. I kept reading that and said, "Are you nuts??" My body is going to be fashioned like the Lord's glorious body when I see Him--Amen, all that vile nature is gone, man, I'll be like Him! I don't need nothing to eat! Where did you get that from?? Trying to force things into the Bible. Can't do it, man. Just have to mark it down. So John R. Rice is a chopper of the Scriptures. Just butchers the Scriptures. Make it say what you want it to say!
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15).
That is so you don't get jacked up. You don't give no offense to who? to who? The Jew, the Gentile and the church of God. If I go across the street to my neighbors, and get his mail, open it and start reading it--I could go to prison. I really could. Stupid! So for me to read other peoples mail and try to apply it to me doctrinally? Stupid!
Hey, You endure unto the end!
Hey, You drink poison, bless your little heart!
I just want you to see that we are living in a day and age of delusion.
But I'm going to tell you what! You need to know the Book! God commands you to know that Book! I mean, it's for Him. You are approved by Him. Not by man, being smart, and knowing it--but by God. You are doing what He wants you to do. So if you can see what is going on in our country. Everything that was progressive and liberal then, is mainstream now. The thought behind that, like I told you, was the hippy songs of the past--the age of Aquarias, and with the Beatles--Imagine--every time there is a big event they always sing that song, "There is no heaven, there is no hell." You ought to look at the lyrics. That is the philosophy! We are going to have a globalization where everybody is going to be naked, live in a perfect environment, not going to eat no meat--just think about that a little while--ain't gonna kill no animals, going to eat all vegetables. Man, our kids are going to be so perfect and so smart. Only problem with that, you're as wicked as hell. It ain't gonna work. It just ain't gonna work. Yet people are buying into it. Christians are buying into it. Removing all the separation and borders.
It's called the ecumenical movement.
It's this grouping together of people claiming to be Christians and they are all trying to get together and have a happy little family. That started in the 30's. Baptist preachers preached against the communist stuff a long time ago. Somehow they lost their message--stopped preaching it. Our people are getting swept in. Well, if if it's good, and everybody's nice and everybody's perfect--everything is cool. No! Not necessarily.
This, this is it. This is the manual. You men in the service. You can take an AR or M-16, and you can take it apart and put it back together. It's just one of those things. You get used to it. You can take it apart. You get used to it. Christians ought to be used to their weapon. And if you ain't got your weapon, that's your main thing. That is your defense against your brain and your thoughts being taken captive. And if that ain't down. If your kids don't have that in their hearts, they have no counter and the devil is powerful.
I don't know, I'm just going to deliver the goods as best as I can. Give you what I can. Get you thirsty and show you that the Book has already spoke about what is going to take place--and you aren't going to change it.
- It tells you about the heart of man.
- It tells you how the Antichrist is going to convince everybody--by speech.
- It tells you what eventually he is going to do--sit on the mercy seat--in the temple.
Well, people, the temple isn't built yet but it is going to be built. That tells me something is coming, and that is the 'abomination of desolation' of that temple spoken of in Daniel. So all that was said 800 years ago is coming. It's closer than it ever was. Therefore, the deceivableness, the delusion, is even more. Get you to think you are doing good, so everythings is okay. Well, it's okay for awhile. At the Judgement Seat of Christ it will be required of you of what sort you did, what was your motive behind what you did. And I'm telling you what--if it is contrary to this--you got problems. And He deals with us now, before we even get there. Everyone of us knows. Everyone of us that is saved knows that that is true. We got ups and downs, and when we go down guess who's controlling our brain? It ain't God. When He comes in, He takes charge. The Holy Spirit gives us peace. Boom!
Then how you do up there depends on how humble you are. Then all of a sudden you get a big head? It's like that. Just like the Bible. Okay send them Moses. Okay, send them Joshua. Give them a deliverer. Help them when they are down. Well, they have a big Deliverer coming, don't they. At the second advent they will see Him.
And last but not least, it is called the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble,' not the 'Time of the church's trouble' ... Jacob's trouble. Amen![/QUOTE/|
The abomination of desolation has already appeared twice. The first time was through by Antiochus and the second time
by Titus in AD70 which Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 when he referred to Daniels prophecy.
Jesus never predicted another Temple being built. The only other Temple he mentioned was his own body. The whole Mosaic covenant and system of worship and Temple sacrifice was fulfilled and done away with by him. What part of Christs ministry death and resurrection do you feel failed for God to need it to be brought back again? Both he and John the Baptist proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand not that it would be coming in 2000 plus years time. Only those who believe in Christ as Lord and Saviour are of Israel