The key question is why the country is so divided that the word “secession” is even brought up?
The politicians are not able to analyze nor utilize, whenever they, on rare occasions are analyzing society. Why is that?
Our beloved politicians, from both sides of the aisle, have a tendency of trying to glue themselves to their positions, no matter what. Whenever they see wrong doings, they just turn a blind eye to it, and collect their money.
We have been treating each other poorly for decades in this country, and more often than not, any person, politician and organization is fixing one wrong with a new wrong. If the South treated the slaves unjustly, well, lash out on the South, tell us what kind of ignorant, white trash, no good hicks we are and that we respecting the memories of our fallen heroes are wrong and should be banned.
This is a recipe for disaster. Everybody’s just talking, nobody’s never listening.
But we all need the Union. A secession is counterproductive. What would happen to a divided America? The strategic position on a larger scale? Like it or not, a United America is a stabilizing force in the world, and I’d like to keep it that way.
I don’t like the idea of adversaries invading the two, three or four weakened countries formerly known as the United States of American.