I remember when Hillary was running for highest office. She made some big false to-do about how women who claim sexual assault should be listened to and believed and respected.
It has always been apparent to those who pay even the slightest attention to the Clinton's public behavior that they have no respect for the lesser classes of persons than those in the circle they slither in. However, that particular lying-lips politician nonsense was a sure sign Hillary thought people forgot how she treated the women her husband abused when that became a matter of public record.
She called those women names and sided with her crony in crime pervert mate.
Women should not be believed when claiming sexual assault simply because they're women who claim they've been sexually assaulted.
One of the great baseball bat swings up side the head of any man is such a claim as that. And women can make them for their own evil purposes when as a matter of the facts it isn't true.
Now, in the work place in America where there are zero tolerance policies women and men can make all sorts of claims in order to manipulate that environment. And such persons are despicable.
In the case of Kavanaugh, he's innocent of these charges. The accusers are not innocent of motive. Ford is quite frankly pathetic. One wonders how much she was paid for this.
It's like the lying females that accused Trump of sexual misconduct when he was running for office. After he won they slithered back into the shadows hoping people would forget.
Maybe it is evil slick Willie that set this tactic into motion as a political ploy all those years ago when his actual sexual assault facts came to light due to real victims speaking up. Maybe the Demonic Dem's figured if it worked to get him impeached for lying under oath maybe it will work to get targeted opponents out of a race so that an oath to enter any public office is never an issue.
"He raped me!"
Oh? OK, he's outta there! We'll take your word for it.
That's what the Ford supporters think should be the case. And the one accuser was so incredible that not even the left slanted George Soros weapon New York Times would print her lies.
Meanwhile, Kavanaugh's career has been blackened by lies. And the effort is so depraved that the conspirators are even going after his child.
There's a special hole in Hell for those responsible for this smear campaign. Meanwhile, God willing, there's a lifetime seat at the highest court bench deservedly awaiting Kavanaugh. Providing he can trudge through the scum that's rising at high tide in the swamp.
God continue to protect him.