Yeshua, Jesus, says, "I am the truth and the life", lately we hear a lot "her truth", "his truth". And I personally am always appalled… Is the "truth" limited to someone's personal truth or is there one real TRUTH?
It sounds like a play on of words.... but is what society.... truth has been reduced to or is there still "the truth" honest.... hold can stand before G-d as not made up or a figment of the imagination... Is her truth/ his truth a down right lie/sin if it is of the imagination?
To be honest I think it ridiculous to hear someone say "it is her truth"... as if that makes a lie "ok"....
Is it "ok" to lie if it is true to you?
It sounds like you are describing people believe what they want to believe about truth, reality, which is not something that has been reduced in society today, but has been that way throughout history, although it is true that there are more opinions, beliefs, and more different viewpoints of truth, and reality, than years ago.
Pro 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Everybody has a viewpoint concerning truth, reality, but it is not right unless it is the truth, reality, of Jesus and His ways.
It is not okay to lie if it appears true to you, as if you are not to blame because that is how you view truth, reality, for if that were the case we would have an excuse for not believing in God, and His giving us the account of Jesus that He is the Savior of the world.
Which nobody has an excuse, and the Bible says creation testifies of a God, and of His attributes, which one of them is love, for He provided food, and the means to make clothing, and shelter, so the world is without excuse, and covers the 2 greatest laws, love God, and love people.
If a person believes a certain reality, and it appears true to them, such as evolution, and not a personal God, or Jesus is not the Savior, for it does not make sense to them, which the Bible says the cross is foolishness to them, or they believe in aliens and they gave us life by planting that life on earth, or anything contrary to the truth of Jesus, does not give them an excuse, and they are off the hook, and blameless, because they are sincere in what they believe as truth, reality, that is contrary to the truth of Jesus.
For we must all give an account to God, and we are accountable for believing in God, and we are accountable for believing in Jesus, unless a person never heard the word of God then they are only accountable for believing in God, and will be judged by creation that testifies of the 2 greatest laws love God, and love people, which is how a Christian is saved that confesses Christ.
Other than that I do not know what you mean.