I think people see the word sin, yet do not know what it means, it means literlaly to fall short or miss the mark.
to do and not do it is sin. Yet two people can do the same thing, one person can do it in sin, the other can do it in the spirit and it is not sin.
The believer shoudl be focused on loving others (the things of the spirit) not focused on self (sin) if they do that, they will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
to do and not do it is sin. Yet two people can do the same thing, one person can do it in sin, the other can do it in the spirit and it is not sin.
The believer shoudl be focused on loving others (the things of the spirit) not focused on self (sin) if they do that, they will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Not sure if your quote above is correct..IMO...
I think if someone does something KNOWINGLY its wrong is sin..if they DONT know...its a "whoops" and needs correction..theres a difference...we arent held accountable of judged for things we DONT know but what we DO
Like a child who is bout to touch a hot stove unknowingly..you dont discipline cause he doesnt know any better..you "correct"..if he does it AGAINn KNOWS..you discipline...
And to add..it all boils down to the motives of our hearts that often dictate our actions..and God is the only one that can judge someonez heart