No You are TOTALLY MISTAKEN, You do not belong to nothing other than a Psuedo-Christian Church.
. . . Our MEANINGS are the Almost the Same for those Terms throughout almost the rest of the Churches. Any genuine Christian that needs a Copy of the Terminology Difference between the Mormon Church, and all other Christian Churches, I will provide them a Copy, IF YOU ASK.
You claim almost 75% of the Christian World, think the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are Christians.
. . . You are totally deceived or possibly just lying, thinking the End Justifies the means. NO MAINLINE DENOMINATION THINKS OF THE MORMON CHURCH AS ANYTHING BUT A PSUEDO-CHRISTIAN CULT.
. . .
You believe in MULTIPLE GODS, and in fact you believe you will one day become a god.
. . . . Genuine Christian believe in ONLY ONE GOD, and HE is made of the personages the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You teach that the Mormon Jesus is a Brother of Lucifier.
. . . The Genuine Christian Church teach that JESUS is the CREATOR of Lucifer, and EVERYTHING THAT IS VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE.
You teach that the Mormon Jesus is a lessor god than the Father.
. . . Genuine Christian Churches teach that JESUS and the FATHER and the Holy Spirit, are the SAME DEITY.
NO YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN, and You teach a Different JESUS, a Different FATHER, and a Different Holy Spirit than Genuine Christian Churches TEACH and BELIEVE IN.