Alcoholics do not need a 12 step program - they need the gospel.
They need to be converted by the indwelling Holy Spirit and to continue in the power of the Holy Spirit
to live and walk in a new life in Jesus.
How is it that in Pentecost we have so many numerous testimonies to the fact that people with all manner
of addictions, such as drugs and alcohol, are set free from their addictions when the believe the gospel, and
then are baptised in water and the Holy Spirit [with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues].
I could post a dozen testimonies just from my own local Pentecostal church, The Revival Fellowship, here in
South Australia, of people being immediately set free from their alcoholism on the day they received the Holy Spirit
and spoke forth in a new tongue.
This is what Christian faith is all about - casting out our demons and our sins and replacing darkness with the light
of the gospel and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus.