The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and there is none that does good, no, not one, and what makes you to differ from another person, and if a person thinks they are something when they are nothing they deceive themselves, and if you offend in the least of the law you have broken all the law, for you still broke the law.
So it appears as if God says everybody is on the same level, and none better than another person.
So why would God choose who will be saved, and who will not be saved without their choice.
God's nature is love, and He loves the people He created, and He is not evil, which blasphemy against the Spirit is attributing something evil to God when He is good.
If God chooses who will be saved without their choice then how is God's kingdom true love, for the people that He chose would only accept the truth because they have no choice but to accept the truth seeing no other alternative, and that is not true love, which would mean people would have greater love towards each other than God and His saints.
That would mean that their belief in God is not real, and their confessing Christ is not real, and their faith is not real, and their love is not real, and their hope is not real, because it did not come from them but from God.
God is not evil that He would condemn people that do not have a choice in the matter, for why would they be punished when they have no choice but to reject the truth seeing no other alternative.
Also the Bible says the angels always behold the face of the Father for the little ones, and that is because we are born innocent with no sin on our record, so if we do not have any sin on our record when we are born, then how did God choose who will be saved, and not saved without their choice, when everybody is born innocent, for if God chooses who will not be saved, then they would not be innocent when they are born.
Add to the fact that God said that He commands all people to repent, which why is He commanding all people to repent if some were chosen to not be saved, and said He wants all people to repent, and come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved, and the Spirit and bride say Come, and anybody can have that salvation, and Jesus lights every person born in this world so everybody can see the light of Jesus and be saved, and the Lord is not willing that any should perish, but all come to the truth and be saved, and anybody that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Why would they go against God saying He wants all people to be saved, and no one perish.
The Bible says many are called but few are chosen, so God does the calling and choosing on earth, and if they still insist that God chooses who will be saved and not saved without their choice, then God would only work in the lives of the people that He choose to be saved, for it would not make a difference to work in the lives of the people that He did not choose.
And if God is only working in the lives of the people He chose to be saved then why is He calling people on earth that cannot be chosen, for many are called but few are chosen.
God chose us we did not choose Him.
No person comes to the Son unless the Father draws them, and no person says Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.
When God calls us He will work in our lives to get us to the truth, but when we get to the door of truth then we have to choose to walk through the door, for His kingdom is love, but we would of not gotten to the door of truth if God did not intervene in our lives to get us there.
And that door of truth is to realize that sins separate us from God, and affects our relationship with God, and that God hates sin, and we should hate sin, and not want to do it being led of the Spirit.
Which some have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and do not walk through the door of truth.
But how can they fall short if God chooses who will be saved, and not saved without their choice, for they confessed Jesus as the Lord, which they can only do by the Holy Ghost, and they had a form of godliness that they were living somewhat for God, so if the Spirit was working in their lives how did they fall short when God would only work in the lives He chose to be saved without their choice.
Because many are called but few are chosen, and God does the calling and choosing on earth, and they confessed Jesus as the Lord, and had a from of godliness, but it points out their sins they were holding unto which Jesus said not everyone that says Lord, Lord, will enter heaven because they were workers of iniquity.
Which the Bible says the Lord knows them that are His having this seal, and is how the saints are led of the Spirit, that everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
Calvinism does not have that strictness concerning sin, but is relaxed concerning sin, and causes many people to hold unto sin and think they are right with God, and also to enjoy their wants, money, and material things, which Paul said if they do believe God blesses them with their wants withdraw yourself from them, and Paul said if does not have charity then he is nothing, and James said their faith is dead, and John said the love of God does not dwell in them.