as far as apparent contradictions go, the very boiled down and simple question a person has to ask of themself, is 'do I believe in God or do I believe what others say about Him and where do I go to find these things out?' we can't make excuses for not believing because of other people. I tried that once or twice. it's just silly
This right here, ^ this is my point.
You do realize that the only reason that you know of GOD is because of the bible and what you have heard others say about "him"?
The bible did not come from God's pen.
The sermons you heard on Sunday morning did not come from God's mouth.
I hate to say it, but all that you know of God, is all shaped through presuppositions instilled in you by your culture and surroundings.
I have no idea who you are or where you are from, but correct me if I am wrong by saying that you are from some western society?
If you had been born in the middle east, or in Asia, it is far less likely that you'd be holding onto these beliefs.
My point is that you wouldn't know about the Christian God if it wasn't for someone else, another human being writing or saying something.
Same goes for me, as far as the "secular" views, but they do not condemn people based on how they live their lives as long as it is all within the realm of common sense. i.e. I cannot expect to
not go to jail I am responsible for a crime. Christianity automatically condemns everyone.