20 x $9 will not pay for rent, food, books, fuel, medical, clothes, electricity, transportation, insurance and tuition. Not here, not anywhere I've ever been. Do you think that most parents are willing to foot the bill now days. Many of the ones who do are co-dependent but they more likely will be against any thing that causes children to leave the home, that's why so many 30 year olds still live with their mothers and most are men.
The colleges I'm familar with are in California and if a person has to have a full time job while going to get a batchelors degree it takes more like seven years especially if they use the student loan for support as well, like most do. Is if a batchelors degree was enough to be much more than a school teacher. And $24,000 is a fortune to a family of 4 that makes $50- 70,000 a year combined, before taxes and pays $1000+ rent, which is very low. +$300 utilities. trash & sewer not to mention cable monopolies, phone etc. Maybe you don't have these kinds of expenses, but at least 50% of us do. People don't get dowrys any more and start married life with a pay check. A suit case and a set of old dishes and an old car, 50% either have a child or are pregnant.. I don't feel sorry for parents that
WON'T help their children, I feel sorry for their children though. People start off life on the wrong foot to begin with more often than not and by the time their children are grown its time for them to either leave or get a job and help relieve the finincial burden that they are on the family. So most choose to leave. Do I expect Christians to help?
Student loans are a scam, borrowing money to pay tuition rent and other of life's expenses then paying interest on the money borrowed to service the loan because family can't or won't send their kids to college or because they moved out when they became adults. Is a big sophisticated con game. They probably learned from their parents that credIt is good, the more the better and many have credit cards at 19 or 20.
This is why people are turning to socialism, mainly people under 30. That's not me. I supported the new deal but I voted for Ford, a Republican, because he stopped spending money on Viet Nam and turned the nation around. I'm proud to live in a nation where through hard work, common sense and a tight wallet people can still get ahead or at least stay afloat. I think that if the nation was really a Democraticly run republic that the latest banking and wall street disasters would have put the perps. Under a prison somewhere. And those on capitol hill that call themselves Democrats are in fact corporate socialists, more conscerned with the wealth of their donors than the good of the people that voted for them.
I've learned to lower my expectations and accept things that I can't change but to change that I can. People don't learn this much any more. The so-called democratic socialists are rebelling against the corporate socialists, both so called Democrats and Republicans who don't see our so called leaders as servants of the majority but rather as rulers for the rich minority that must be obeyed, Fascists in other words. Antifa are more Marxist than most people understand or will admit and are willing to start a riot or even a civil war to get attention. Just like Lennon did 100 years ago. That is straight out communism.
There is a difference between the labels that are attached to groups than what the words really mean. The young learn much more political science than folks of my generation did. I'm a baby boomer and most of you are more gen-x or younger. Libertarians are closer to anarchists than modern socialists are, yeah they believe in freedom of speach, as long as they agree with it, they don't believe in govmt. regulations like the epa, don't believe in taxes or publicly funded roads. The younger see through this charade and know that Ayn Rand was a narcissist who wouldn't feel compelled to help somone out of quicksand if it would get her clothes dirty and dosn't believe in civic responsibility. The younger know what the words really mean and struggle against those who still use them as labels and divide our nation, the U.S.A. that is.
I remember McCarthyism, the Red scare, the Cuban missle crisis. An uncle bought a bomb shelter, lol, which might have been useful if he lived away from ground zero. We used to practice hiding under our desks in school in case the commies attacked. Schools closed when JFK was murdered, for 3 days in LA at least then 5 years later Martin and Bobby, our Heros, killed in cold blood because they wanted to level the playing field a little. We went to Viet Nam to prevent the commies from taking over the world just to find out the truth when the pentagon papers were leaked and also found out that the 1972 Presidential election was rigged. Watergate and the Chicago seven proved that! What was then
TOP SECRET is now public knowlege. Most of us know we have been decieved and most Christians realize, it's by powers and principalities way beyond our comprehension! It's going to get worse.
Most adults know that the communist boogy man is dead and burried, but his ghost still lingers and is dragged out of the grave often when those with a vested interest in tyrany like the political, oil, chemical, banking and military industrial maniacs want to scare us into submission and obedience and make us worship the,
ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR,. This is truly IDOL WORSHIP! In one of the worst forms. Even atheists recognize this.
If you love the USA more than the Lord, your not a friend of mine. If you think that capitolism for its own sake is Godly, you are decieved. If you think that being white makes you superior, you are in league with the enemy! If you are in league with the ruling class, I think you are the enemy.