I believe we are like robots in a way, because we are only what God made us to be.
I think God came to save us, and restor us to the people God made us to be, If we are not born again, we will never be that person
That is not to say as pharoah, God will not set people in places of power to do his will But he does not force them to do his will, he uses their free will to do his will.
We can't change a single thing in this whole universe, we rely on Him for our next breath.
The love that's in us was put there by God Himself, we can't produce love because only God is love.
I believe every atom in the universe is exactly where God preordained it to be and He causes all things that happen to happen. If that wasn't the case then God wouldn't be all powerful, all mighty, all knowing and all the rest of His amazing qualities.
as for atoms in the universe, trying to compair them to humans is little out there do you not think?
God can be all powerful in spite of giving man free will. He has the ability and the freedom to give up some things in order to have his creation have free will
You can not say God is all powerful. then claim he has no power to give up some rights so his creation can have free will so he can truly show his true love to them
Our God is an infinitely wise God so He knows the whole of human history from it's beginning to the end, He preordained everything so nothing takes Him by surprise. Even the evil and suffering are part of His creation, He created Satan and Satan is doing exactly as God created him to do.
Anyway, this is a catholic thread, would love to continue this conversation but lets do it in another thread and ps I am not arguing with you, Just sharing my view, I consider you a brother.