Fourth Day (evening) - Last Supper, Betrayal [John 13:1-2]
Fourth Day (midnight)
Fourth Day (morning) - Trial & Crucifixion, Passover/Preparation Day (Lambs sacrificed & prepared) [Luke 23:54; John 19:31]
- The two Marys are with John, the Mother of Christ and other followers at cross witnessing his death [John 19:25]
- Nicodemus and Joseph place Christ's body in tomb since it was almost High Sabbath [Luke 23:55; John 19:41]
- The Marys follow to see where Christ is taken and how he was buried...[Luke 23:55]
- The Marys then leave to prepare burial spices to anoint his body after (High) Sabbath [Luke 23:56]
- Nicodemus brings burial spices and anoint the body of Christ [John 19:39-40]
Fifth Day (evening) - High Sabbath Feast of Unleavened Bread (night 1) [John 19:31]
Fifth Day (midnight)
Fifth Day (morning) - High Sabbath Feast (day 1)
- High Sabbath day ("Sabbato" GRK.) of feast ends at sunset...
Sixth Day (evening) - Second night of the feast, normal evening (night 2)
Sixth Day (midnight)
Sixth Day (morning) - Second feast day, work day (day 2);
- The two Marys bought/purchased ("ēgorasan" GRK.) their spices [Mark 16:1]
Seventh Day (evening) - Third night of the feast & weekly Sabbath (night 3)
Seventh Day (midnight)
Seventh Day (morning) - Third feast day, weekly Sabbath (day 3),
- Exactly 3 days & 3 nights have past. Christ resurrects now just before the evening of new week [Matthew 28:1]
- Many other saints resurrect also and are seen by many. [Matt 27:52-53]
- Christ begins preaching to the spirits in prison/pit; those from the time of Noah [1 Peter 3:19]
First Day (evening) - Fourth night of the feast; Christ preaches to spirits in prison/pit
Fifth Day (midnight) - Christ preaches to spirits in prison/pit
First Day (morning) - Fourth feast day, day of first fruits
- After the week ("Sabbaton" GRK.), began dawning the first day of the (new) week ("Sabbaton" GRK.) [Matt 28:1]
- Very early on the first day of the week ("Sabbaton" GRK.), the Marys came to the tomb as the sun was rising [Mark 16:2]
- The Marys brought ("pherousai" GRK.) the spices they had prepared, to the tomb to anoint Christ's body [Luke 24:1]
- Early first day of week ("Sabbaton" GRK.) Mary come to tomb still dark with stone rolled way [John 20:1]
- Christ calls to Mary

- Christ tells Mary not to touch since he must ascend (to offer the risen saints as "firstfruits") [Leviticus 23:10-14; John 20:17-19]
Apparently The Marys didn't know Nico was bringing his own burial spices, but the holiday was about to begin. So they planned to prepare their own spices for Christ's body to anoint him after the holiday.
Scripture says they purchased their spices after the High Sabbath feast day since merchants would've been been closed for the holiday.
But if they went to the tomb very early in the morning - at the start of sunrise while it's still dark - when would they have had time to buy these spices unless there was an extra work day in between the holiday and the first day of the new week...or a late night quickie-mart.
Fourth Day (midnight)
Fourth Day (morning) - Trial & Crucifixion, Passover/Preparation Day (Lambs sacrificed & prepared) [Luke 23:54; John 19:31]
- The two Marys are with John, the Mother of Christ and other followers at cross witnessing his death [John 19:25]
- Nicodemus and Joseph place Christ's body in tomb since it was almost High Sabbath [Luke 23:55; John 19:41]
- The Marys follow to see where Christ is taken and how he was buried...[Luke 23:55]
- The Marys then leave to prepare burial spices to anoint his body after (High) Sabbath [Luke 23:56]
- Nicodemus brings burial spices and anoint the body of Christ [John 19:39-40]
Fifth Day (evening) - High Sabbath Feast of Unleavened Bread (night 1) [John 19:31]
Fifth Day (midnight)
Fifth Day (morning) - High Sabbath Feast (day 1)
- High Sabbath day ("Sabbato" GRK.) of feast ends at sunset...
Sixth Day (evening) - Second night of the feast, normal evening (night 2)
Sixth Day (midnight)
Sixth Day (morning) - Second feast day, work day (day 2);
- The two Marys bought/purchased ("ēgorasan" GRK.) their spices [Mark 16:1]
Seventh Day (evening) - Third night of the feast & weekly Sabbath (night 3)
Seventh Day (midnight)
Seventh Day (morning) - Third feast day, weekly Sabbath (day 3),
- Exactly 3 days & 3 nights have past. Christ resurrects now just before the evening of new week [Matthew 28:1]
- Many other saints resurrect also and are seen by many. [Matt 27:52-53]
- Christ begins preaching to the spirits in prison/pit; those from the time of Noah [1 Peter 3:19]
First Day (evening) - Fourth night of the feast; Christ preaches to spirits in prison/pit
Fifth Day (midnight) - Christ preaches to spirits in prison/pit
First Day (morning) - Fourth feast day, day of first fruits
- After the week ("Sabbaton" GRK.), began dawning the first day of the (new) week ("Sabbaton" GRK.) [Matt 28:1]
- Very early on the first day of the week ("Sabbaton" GRK.), the Marys came to the tomb as the sun was rising [Mark 16:2]
- The Marys brought ("pherousai" GRK.) the spices they had prepared, to the tomb to anoint Christ's body [Luke 24:1]
- Early first day of week ("Sabbaton" GRK.) Mary come to tomb still dark with stone rolled way [John 20:1]
- Christ calls to Mary
- Christ tells Mary not to touch since he must ascend (to offer the risen saints as "firstfruits") [Leviticus 23:10-14; John 20:17-19]
Apparently The Marys didn't know Nico was bringing his own burial spices, but the holiday was about to begin. So they planned to prepare their own spices for Christ's body to anoint him after the holiday.
Scripture says they purchased their spices after the High Sabbath feast day since merchants would've been been closed for the holiday.
But if they went to the tomb very early in the morning - at the start of sunrise while it's still dark - when would they have had time to buy these spices unless there was an extra work day in between the holiday and the first day of the new week...or a late night quickie-mart.
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