There are many hated verses, and Gen 3:16 is one of them.
Feminists aren't strong women. They're insecure, if nor boorish. They need affirmation by taking men's roles, which they often take through gender preferences (sexual discrimination).
Churches that have women pastors are in rebellion against God, for scripture is clear on this issue. The new SBC president sadly says the SBC more women in leadership. He's showing he believed, even if he won't say it, that women should be pastors.
The Bible tells us, "And he [Paul] found [a man, preached in the synagogue and to] a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla". Notice that Priscilla is introduced as the wife of Pontus, rather than Pontus as the husband of Priscilla. This man and wife, they, learned of Christ and they hear a man, not a woman, Apollos, preaching about Jesus. They had more knowledge of Christ so "they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately." Is it not hatred for what the Bible says to take this example of Priscilla in a private conversation, with her husband, and pass it off as an example of a woman in authority over men, and publicly preaching?
Speaking of boorish, Priscilla and Aquila were mentioned three times together by Paul. Priscilla first, twice. Aquila once. They were BOTH tentmakers and helped finance Paul's missions. BOTH!
Matter of fact, if it weren't for rich women and rich widows, the NT would have looked quite different, given many of the women mentioned also financed Paul's travels. And Paul would have been hungry more often if Lydia, (not Lydia and her husband, just Lydia, who seemed to have no husband, just family), hadn't invited Paul to stay with them and eat, before asking him to baptize them.
The beginning of this new Way did what men haven't wanted to happen often before or after. The Way, (now known as "Christians"), accepted that women were equal in God's eyes with men. It accepted women's money, food, housing, and even teaching, considering there was a church in Lydia's house.
They were strong women! We still are. And we are for the same reason there are strong men. Because God is our strength. I too don't believe women should be pastors, however you'll be hard pressed to convince me women shouldn't teach. Titus 2 disagrees with you too much for me to ever agree with you.
I am sorry I offend you for being a woman and a feminist. I wouldn't need to continue being a feminist if men like you didn't try to second-class me into something less than you based solely on your gender.
I am nothing!
And yet, I am very much loved by the Lord. Jesus made me that, by obeying his Father and by overwhelming me with his love. So he took my nothingness and turned it into something wonderful.
I am sorry that offends you. I hope you come to understand how nothing becomes something by the Lord's will and love, so you will come to understand there are no "nothings" in the Lord. We are part of the body whether you choose to think less of us or not. He can help you get over your personal insecurities.