Acts tells us the church at Jerusalem met daily.
The churches Paul taught evidently met on a regular basis.
We are taught in Hebrews that we are not to forsake assembling.
One poster on this forum stated he had not been to church (assembled) for seven years.
How many others on this forum fail to assemble on a regular basis?
How many will admit it?
How do you justify your failure?
I for one assemble as often as possible.
I agree with the "assembling" Paul was speaking of. But did not those early churches "assemble" in various "locations?" And not always in the same house, where 1 grenade will get you all? Making "easy pickin's" for an enemy? Not knowing how "perfect" (mature) believer you are, nor how "Biblically Literate" you are, Riddle me this? Save for Jesus' coming, teaching, being crucified, and resurrected from the dead? What HAS changed from the days of Elijah, when he cried out to God, that "ALL your Priests are DEAD!" "And NOW, they're COMING for ME!"
One answer, would be "APOSTASY!" The book of Jude attests to this! (and) THAT, was 2,000 YEARS ago! How much MORE rampant, not to mention "subtle" has this apostasy become, SINCE then! As satan realizes just how SHORT his time remaining IS? It is HARD to NOT notice the SPEED the "falling away", and "drifting" churches of stone, have taken. Reflecting each ones relative, and unfortunate, permanent locations, within each ones geographic location. WHEREVER that particular location may be!
Where ARE the Shepherds, coming forth from (so called) Higher Institutions of learning? Blind! And, in a "ditch!" Waiting with baited breath, to lead more in! Meaning, "Love", is the GREATEST of the fruit of the Spirit! But, what is "love" WITHOUT the "rest" of the fruit of the Spirit? It's BLIND! That's what it is! Quantity, is what these churches of stone are so want in pursuing. But, what do you get with 3,000 stoney grounded believers? You got "GOD In A Box!" That's what you got! Decieveing themselves and everyone around them. Perpetuating there "wholly saved" message, of "Just BELIEVE!" "You don't HAVE to "understand", the Word of God!" "We're going to "fly away!"
If this is what you wish? What can I say? It's NOT for me though!
It's like trying to explain to a "socially progressive liberal", that....well?! A "picture" speaks a thousand words!