This decision allows anyone in a public accommodation business to discriminate based on identity politics against the public. And simply by invoking religious or spiritual convictions.
Imagine the future when there is much hostility demonstrated against Christians already in America.
I believe Phillips is not a Christian. I've spoken with him well prior to the SCOTUS case. Phillips is a bigot. He's using the faith as a cause to insulate his prejudice.
Reason being, Phillips served without issue this gay couple in question for quite some time and prior to the wedding cake request. The couple had been married already in Massachusetts and well before that SCOTUS marriage decision. They wanted a wedding cake so as to celebrate in their home state of Colorado and with family and friends.
Phillips claimed he refused because he could not use his artistry to create a wedding cake for what God calls abomination.
However, and this is key to understanding his prejudice and slander when claiming Christ as cause. Phillips unreservedly served this gay couple whom he knew were sinning as a sexually active gay couple living together. Those sins, the first being abomination to God, did not influence Phillips accommodating the couple as patrons to his Masterpiece bakery.
However, when they asked for a wedding cake that's when he invoked his faith and refused. But that isn't actually honest. Because in lieu of baking the couple a custom designed wedding cake, Phillips gave at no charge a rainbow frosted cake he'd made and displayed in his public display case.
He still used his artistry to design that cake and knowingly gave it as a gift to a gay couple whom he knew were going to use it as a wedding cake.
What many don't recall or maybe even know is, Phillips refused to bake a birthday cake with rainbow designs on it when a mother told him it was for a little girls birthday.
Mom says Masterpiece Cakeshop refused to put rainbows on daughter's birthday cake
A little girl who loves rainbows and is having a birthday, isn't a homosexual sinner entering into an abomination.