God created the earth to present a flat earth view. The earth being a sphere and suspended on nothing doesn’t change the view God gave us.
Sure scientists present technical truth about physical objects and the behavior they exhibit. But science hasn’t changed a thing on earth except to multiply the evil of mankind. Man uses science to run faster around the earth, storing up information more voluminously, accumulating knowledge faster and ends up making man’s perception of the world flatter than it ever was before.
The flat earthier points this strange thing out to us. That after all the revolution in sciences the earth still appears flat from where I sit watching the world.
I can go up and see the earth as a sphere if I want but it doesn’t produce any useful knowledge that helps anyone escape the flat earth predicament of man’s world on earth, under the sun.
So, man’s science is rather useless really.
Like at Babel when man set out to achieve the construction of a itty bitty tower on earth. Not a momentous achievement at all except to say, as a indicator of how the world will end up vainly striving against God on a lonely, lost planet, in some unknown region somewhere.
Might as well accept the flat earth view since nothing profound occurs when or after a man has had his head in the clouds, dreaming away his life.
Just saying.