1 Co 12 is about our needing one another. It's not disqualifying people from higher gifts. Paul concludes this, by saying earnestly desire the higher spiritual gifts. The focus of this is that we understand that is the Lord who is behind it all. People take these Scriptures and say well I don't do it, so God must not have it for me. But these Scriptures are an invitation for us. Not a disqualification. But this must be done from a place of both pursuing love and earnestly desiring gifts.
It's similar to saying, are all mechanics, are all lawyers? No, they are not, but it's merely a focus and a passion. Not that all can't do it. Why would Paul says desire something that God won't give us? He doesn't ever say, well sorry, if you don't have it... suck it up. But that's what some people can take these Scriptures to mean. And they don't. Their focus is there is ONE Lord and many manifestations and gifts of Him.
the problem is when people pretend someone is not as far in their walk with Christ simply because they do not have a specific gift
you cannot choose
oh right now i have healing
let me heal my neice of her many disabilities
ive tried
but lets say YOU could heal my neice
that doesnt make you any more a member of the body than i am
im not saying its impossible for God to use me to heal
or for Him to just heal from a distance without the use of any of us brothers and sisters
what im saying is to those who falsely accuse others without the gift you have of being any less "a member of the body"
they are in error
one may not have the wisdom or faith that i have
but maybe they are far more humble and meek and patient
that doesnt mean either of us are less than the other
and that doesnt garuntee they will ever be as wise as me
or i will ever be as patient as them