I would say insurance in general is nothing more than a scam.
Your giving your money to some guy in an office every month and then there is no guarantee they will give it back. I mean why consider insurance when you can just buy a safe and store your savings in that?
Why would you trust someone else with your money?
Best to learn about insurance before making such silly remarks as,
there is no guarantee they will give it back.
For those considering insurance, please consider ignoring the poor advice from I_am_Canadian. Because they_B_silly!
And please don't ever consider putting your money in a safe so that cash can be accessed for your final expenses, burial, cremation, when you're dead. First, you have to trust someone with the combination. Secondly, there is no contract that guarantees they'll abide by your wishes. And third, what if that only person with the combination ends up dying before the safe can be opened?
A life insurance policy is a contract! Between you and the issuer, the insurance company. As long as you keep up your premiums your contract is secure. When you pass on, all those that you have named as your beneficiaries of that contract/insurance policy, are paid. You can even have a policy exclusively for burial expenses. Those are known as Burial Insurance policy.
This Google link gives you many options to review at leisure. Including that which tells you the difference between Burial policy and life insurance policy.
Now, you can open a savings account that accrues interest. And you can have drawn up a "revocable trust", that has a trustee you literally trust with your life appointed to oversee it. And that savings account can be used for your burial/cremation expenses. However, that can take time. Whereas a funeral parlor will abide by the wishes of the decedent and their representative/family, when they know a policy is in place. And the great thing is, if the insurance company drags its feet, the companies I recommended do not do this, but some do, the funeral parlor has all the resources available to guide you as to how to get that life insurance company to pay out.