Hello wonders of the world! I am alive and Well - I know - oh well! But I am blessed to say "HI"
Hello Mel and
and Josie and BluecatwomanLady and all!
So, Josie I read you are struggling today? What about? I always say BB specific so that we don't wallow in the pain but rather deal with it. That was Jesus' approach to His life. Who are we not to follow suit? So what besides what we have talked about is concerning you as you have posted here? And Mel thank you for your love for each of us, you are a deer, not a sheep - Wait what? Maybe you are a dear and a sheep - as an illustration in His Word anyway. The great part of CC to me is not just the socialization we are afforded but the fellowship we are afforded as well. It makes my heart putter when I see godly love shown in many different scenarios.
So apparently I need to Ketchup to all the new cool things in here. I have to
@slave myself, or did I just do that? LOL Anyway, it is good to see ya all...