Wrong again.....the word means to immerse, dip or plunge under.....sprinkling and pouring are not valid forms of baptism (immersion).....like I said before....was JESUS dumped on the ground with a handful of dirt sprinkled over him or SEALED in a TOMB.....?
IF a form of so called baptism does not represent being SEALED in a tomb or BURIED under the dirt it is not a VALID FORM....get that through your hard head.......
Baptize, Baptism = IMMERSION UNDER the WATER!
Not that I want to make the following that baptism saves (cause it don't) but I'm gonna give my experience.
I placed my faith in Jesus or should I say he placed his faith in me?
Anyway at the time I was going to an Anglican Church. I was told that I should be baptised.
So I was, but it was with sprinkling of water.
Before I was sprinkled I was ask "Do you believe in Jesus, who died and rose again for your sin and havev you placed your faith in him. Have you made him your Lord and Saviour?
Then I was sprinkled.
Forward 2 years later I ended up in a Baptist church.
I can't fully remember why and how the following arose but I think it was when I wanted to become a member of the church.
I was asked if I had been baptised. I said yes and was then asked by what mode.
When I told them I was then told I was not baptised and I needed to be fully immersed.
So I had to make the same confession of faith and then was fully immersed.
To be honest I was totally confused and felt my first confession of my faith in Jesus was not valid.
I'm sure I'm not the first to experience this or will be the last.
What do others think about this, my experience and others like me if they came to your church where baptism is only immersion?