In his book "Dreaming with God" Bill Johnson instructs that for 2,000 years Christianity has had it all wrong. Hermeneutical rules have stopped the church from a dominionist agenda that it should have. We need to not have these rules and instead approach the Bible as he does: "whatever my heart is set upon when I come to the Bible, will determine much of what I see in the Bible" p153. Bill Johnson doesn't come to the Bible to see what God has to show him but to see what he wants to see. He repeatedly says throughout the book "it is not Father, Son, Holy Bible but Holy Spirit". He claims the Holy Spirit gives him these desires which he then uses as his authority to begin his approach to the Bible. As an example, he tells the story of a roadrunner that got into his church and died. The roadrunner is kin to the eagle. The eagle represents the prophetic in the Bible. Therefore, God is speaking that the prophetic movement will die if it doesn't move out of Bill Johnson's church. Isn't that a psychosis to not see reality but see what you want to see?
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