The temperature here seems to only do extremes- we go from plastic over the windows, electric blanket, miserable below zero weather straight to Why haven’t we gotten the swamp cooler set up yet weather.
For the past six weeks, we’ve been eating completely differently than we used to; no processed stuff (or, at least minimally processed), almost no dairy, only whole grains, no pork, no sugar (except the dark chocolate I won’t give up). It’s been good- basically like a Mediterranean diet, except it’s not a “diet”, we just changed the way we eat. There’s a crazy amount of fresh basil, olive oil and garlic involved in all this. Everyone in the house has more energy and only occasionally complains that they miss cheeseburgers. My husband has dropped almost 30 pounds. Me, I’ve lost a whopping four. And my skin is freaking out- two weeks ago, I had to go to church with a zit the size of Russia between my eyes. It went away during the week, and the next Sunday I woke up to find three new zits scattered across my face like those red pins people use to mark giant maps.
But, I feel otherwise great...and my face will eventually go back to normal, probably. It’s still a bit irritating that my face is trying to impersonate a pepperoni pizza when I don’t even eat pepperoni pizza anymore.
Morning is going to be interesting. By ‘interesting’ I mean ‘all out war’- there’s only one k-cup left, and two avid coffee drinkers in the house. It’s a grocery shopping day, so at least coffee levels will be restored to acceptable, but what if I don’t get to the last one in time? How can I go grocery shopping without first shocking my system into life? On the other hand, how can I in good conscience send my husband to work at 4:45 a.m. without HIS dose of caffeine?
Coffee shortages- the leading cause of marital discord.