Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?
It was very significant that Elizabeth name the baby "John" with means the "Grace of God." Remember all the commotion about naming the baby "John" ?
"Jordan" means "judgment."
When people would come to "John the Baptist" at the "Jordan" River, they were receiving God's Grace in the MIDST of His Judgment.
When the Israelites crossed the "Jordan" River, the Ark of the Covenant carried by the priest had to enter the Jordan River first and stand in the place of Judgment while holding in their hands the "Mercy Seat" which was the top lid of the Ark of the Covenant, this caused the Jordan River to divide and create a pathway through the "River of Judgment" which the Israelites crossed and could ONLY cross because of the "Mercy Seat."
The Water Baptism is a special "crossing"................left Egypt (the world), wilderness journey is over (death of the sinful nature) and now, pass through "judgment" with "grace and mercy" to enter the Promise Land - which is "Christ in you, the hope of glory".......eternal life!
Hope this made sense.