You know we kind of laugh at this, but when I think of how nothing happens in my life without God's approval and He is in Control of every detail, as is Jesus all and in all - I am reminded of what happened to me today:
I went to work and parked my car. I have always been blessed with a decent parking position, which is noteworthy on its own - but today I was left in the vast distance, and I said immediately to God, "But it is my Birthday!" He immediately shared in spirit how I need to be humble and let God establish my steps, so I said, "Yes, You are right, I will make this spot my special spot then!" And I went off to work settled and pleased.
But just before my shift began, I had to go back to put some things I had in my pocket away. As I only had 5 minutes to go before shift started, I opened the door and looked across the way and saw a front row stall open - not a single soul there! "No Way!" I said to myself . I was so far away however, that I doubted I could drive there in time before someone else would steal it, but I said, I have faith Lord, because I prayed (kind of) for a better spot - so I believed He would establish this particular blessing for me as I pursued to re-park.
As I rushed over I was delighted to notice no one else smiting my endeavor by snatching it, and I began to pull in feeling a bit upraised and excited - then suddenly the "BEST SPOT" in the entire parking lot opened up as I was turning into this wonderful "good enough" spot, This best version was awesome! It had painted walk lines on the right that went 3 feet with no cars there so I could open my door freely, and on the left of it it had the same walk way pattern with about 3 feet of room so no one would dent my car either! It also wasn't a handi-cap stall! It was simply the very closest and the one directly in front of the facility - it was the BEST. It was Golden! It made me feel like I was soaring like eagles! So, I zipped over to it, now, fully engulfed in my enthusiasm and thanks - and as I finished putting it into park my 5 minutes were up! I had to go in..
God took a blessing and put His glory stamp on it! He gave me what I could only imagine as great, then He opened up His awesome! His Best versus my "Good enough." And I was humbled and I literally felt His glory and love from it as HIs Spirit testified to mine...I know I am silly you may say....but I know I am not! - I believe God shows me Himself like this in many occasions along the valley road...and I am in Awe of Him for it all! Praise His Name!