Why did Jesus curse a fig tree?
Was Jesus using the fig tree as a parable , that it should have had some fruit ?
Fig tree fruit
Fruiting fig trees have a long juvenile period compared to other fruit trees.
Fig trees produce two crops every year, but only one of them may be edible.
In some tropical locations, fig trees may bear some fruit throughout the year,
with increased production in early summer and midwinter
The first crop, called the breba crop, occurs relatively early in the year on
the previous year's growth. These fruits are frequently small, acidic and
inferior in texture, but may be useful for preservation. The second crop occurs
later in the year on the current year's growth and these figs should be edible.
Was it a First crop, or a second crop ?
John 1:11 (KJV)
He came unto his own, and his own received him not.