Thank you Lafftur, I like this trivia game it's a great fun way to learn the bible....what happens next?
Welcome TruthTalk! Well, we're all kinda new to this thread. So far, the rules of the game are:
1 - Play nice!
2 - Post questions that the answers can be found in the Bible, not other sources.
3 - It's okay to "google" the answer if you do not know but, first try from memory.
4 - Fun Bible humor and life humor is welcome - just keep it christian clean, please because this is a thread for ALL ages.
5 - Feel free to elaborate and your answers with any insight you have because this helps all of us to learn and apply God's Word to our life and grow!!!
6 - Everyone is welcome to post questions and answer them.
7 - When you ask a question, be sure to monitor your question so that when someone answers it, you can let them know if their answer is correct or tell them to try again!
8 - When responding to a question be sure to "click" the "Reply With Quote" and then type your answer.
9 - When responding to an answer, be sure to find the original post of question and "click" the "+", then scroll through thread and find the answer and "click" the "Reply With Quote" and last, type either "Correct!" or "Try again."
10 - Feel free to give hints.