It sometimes amazes me how unaware, or possibly vindictive some people are.
Back when Silly and i broke up a friend i don't talk to often messaged me and asked how things were. I told them about the break up and her response was to tell me she's in a new relationship. Really?
Then, tonight, a previous ex i haven't spoken to in 2 years messages me. They tried a year ago and i didn't answer them at that time, but i thought it may be ok now. That relationship ended horribly. She asks how things have been, i ask her how things have been. She answers and asks if i'm single still. I explain about Silly and she launches into how happily married she is. Goes on and on about it and even sends me a pic of her wedding ring on her hand. It felt as if she wanted me to be single so she could rub it in my face. A behavior i could fully see being possible, at least back when i dated her.
Which segues me into my next thought. The frustration of seeing other people doing well in areas you're stuck. And not just any person, but a person that seemed like they would always struggle. That ex had a Lot of issues. A lot of reasons why being in a relationship wouldn't work out, yet it has for her. Meanwhile i'm still here alone.
Even back when i was a teen i had a friend that seemed he would get nowhere in life. No one really expected him to do anything with himself. Last time i heard about him he joined the military, traveled all around the world and had a nice home, big truck, motorcycle and had a number of relationships. Meanwhile i'm sitting in a life that seems a dead end with no hope of anything worthwhile ever being in sight. And not much worthwhile in my past even, except a string of regrets and failures.
I said in another thread i may not live out of my 60s. Perhaps that's a good thing.