It is the same exact problem that man has always had since the fall, we reject our God and His ways for our own, and are completely incapable of doing anything about our condition on our own. That was the problem then, that is the problem now, and there is only one way it can be dealt with is the way, the truth, the life, Jesus. We are to "go" and make disciples of all nations, He takes a fool like me, makes me brand new by His grace, and uses me to proclaim His truth to the world He came and redeemed. This is something I would have never cared about before He saved me, and is something He gets all credit and glory for. I believe He absolutely did redeem this world, He did proclaim His Kingdom was at hand, and like leaven through the loaf, like the mustard seed growing into the tree with birds nested in it's branches, His Kingdom will know no end, His children will be as numerous as the stars, and His Spirit is being poured out on us in this age and will be until all is brought under Jesus feet with all of us singing "Glory, Glory, Glory, to our King forever", son. That's just my perspective on the situation anyway.