Warning! Catholic church is a FALSE religion

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To be honest, as I said before, I had a hard time leaving the Roman Catholic church (though I was never a member)--as, like Luther, I wanted to believe it could change and that it had 'errors' but not pitfalls...

So I have said what I have said, more as my analysis and prayer conclusions on what truly is blasphemous or wrong in the catholic church...If I was just talking to a Catholic, I would have phrased things and words like 'ludicruous, rediculuos and absurd' differently, careful not to offend but pointing out error...but as I have stated I have stated in order to show my true beliefs and how and why I have left the 'worldview' of the catholic church.

God bless and peace


God's Gospel, was never intened to divided us, it was intent to make us stronger. What is going on in here is not of God! Because if it was, we would be delived and set free. I Love you all, and want you all to have your own relationship with The Father. Please search your hearts and ask Him is this the path He wants you to take in how we deal with each other and our different beliefs. I believe In One God. I believe that Jesus Christ if my Savior! My Father is so big He shows us different sides of Himself.

Show each other how great our Father is. Be good to each and respect each other.


God's Gospel, was never intened to divided us, it was intent to make us stronger. What is going on in here is not of God! Because if it was, we would be delived and set free. I Love you all, and want you all to have your own relationship with The Father. Please search your hearts and ask Him is this the path He wants you to take in how we deal with each other and our different beliefs. I believe In One God. I believe that Jesus Christ if my Savior! My Father is so big He shows us different sides of Himself.

Show each other how great our Father is. Be good to each and respect each other.
I once heard a very wise Christian talk about how the devil loves to divide and conquer. I wrote a paper on John Wesley when I was in university. He is the "founder of Methodism" but he knew that's what we call him his heart would completely break. He'd much rather be known as one who stressed that we must follow the whole Bible (or rather the whole New Testament, you know what I mean) without emphasizing some passages over others. It's our human nature to take certain verses and running with them, while ignoring other vereses that keep them in context. Anyway, the point is the idea of splitting with Anglican church was one of anguish for Wesley, since he knew very well that division is the devil's idea. But the problem is that (if I remember correctly) the Anglican church was doing some rather elitest things at the time that was just not ok. But I have a lot of respect for Christians who aren't quick to abandon over disagreement. It's like an amputation really, it's something that's done at a last resort out of fear that the cancer or infection will spread. A doctor will never say to a patient "So your leg's broken. Let's just cut it off and not worry about it." I'm in that position right now. The Anglican Church of Canada is deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. I know a lot of Anglicans my age have ditched it, thinking of it as a "sinking ship." And other churches have seperated from the larger body. But I know that this church will continue to exist regarless of whether or not people like me work to make it stronger. Therefore, I think I'm called to stay in it and pray for healing.

The same thing goes with the Roman Catholic Church. I really believe that the Roman Catholic Church will survive until the second coming. While I do have the impression that there are legalists in that church (I have an RC friend who won't eat meat on Fridays and thinking that the mass in English is an "abomination" but she gets drunk, sleeps around and engages in other behaviours that makes me think of her as one of my non-Christian friends) this is why I am very encouraged when God leads strong Christians to RC Church, such as those who post on this forum.


If I was to pinpoint the pivotal error the catholic church teaches is on salvation. They completely confuse faith and works. Read the Catholic catechism and you will see they see salvation as a process with man helping attain his salvation. This is 100% unbiblical. For people to believe this, they are believing a works gospel and will be headed to the lake of fire sadly if they dont start trusting Jesus ALONE to save them....Anyone can claim they are a "Christian", but if they believe in a false gospel(one with man's good works) they are in fact not Christians, but unsaved...The Word of God is clear on this. The catholic church is not Christian, to pervert the core doctrine of salvaion.....Also, any other denomination that teaches a works gospel is also non-Christian. If that offends the catholics, I'm only reading what the Word of God says, take it up with God I ask you. Dont risk your eternity on something as pivital as this. I do this to warn you all. Not to hate. Because if I hated you, I wouldn't even bring this up to show you the truth.


God's Gospel, was never intened to divided us, it was intent to make us stronger. What is going on in here is not of God!

When the gospel gets perverted, then there will be division. A works gospel is not a true gospel, and needs to be exposed. I will expose all false gospels. What is going on here is a battle between truth and error. Most of the world is lost and going to hell because they dont even accept Christ. God made it clear how one gets to heaven, but obviously satan is waging war, to bring as many souls to hell with him, and I will fight it until I take my last breath.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Man continues to rebel against God, with pride that he can work his way into heaven. This is the ultimate deception in the apostate churches today who are preaching works gospels. If you think you can say to God that you did ANYTHING(ie:"lest any man should boast") other than believe(trust) in Jesus to save you, you believed a works gospel. Good works are evidence of saving faith(James 2:18), they are NOT the same.



God's Gospel, was never intened to divided us, it was intent to make us stronger. What is going on in here is not of God! Because if it was, we would be delived and set free. I Love you all, and want you all to have your own relationship with The Father. Please search your hearts and ask Him is this the path He wants you to take in how we deal with each other and our different beliefs. I believe In One God. I believe that Jesus Christ if my Savior! My Father is so big He shows us different sides of Himself.

Show each other how great our Father is. Be good to each and respect each other.
The Gospel is divisive in its nature, one either accepts Christ or rejects him. It's divided families, countries, and one day will divide the entire world.

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matt 7:13-14 (KJV)

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matt 10:34-39 (KJV)


I will expose all false gospels.
So tell me, what credientials do you have to do this? Do you have a masters degree in religion? And before you say "all I need is to read the Bible." I'm going to tell you that it's not that simple. Yes, it sounds that simple, but it's not that simple.

As I've said before (possibly in another thread), I have very anti-Catholic ancestors. I had to study Canadian history to learn just what kind of divisions existed between the English Proestant Canadians and the Roman Catholic Canadians (most of whom were French speakers). My uncle did his residency at a Roman Catholic hospital and his aunt just freaked out. He told her sarcastically that he got a bonus for every Protesetant he converted. But I really believe that their anti-Catholic ways had more to do with satisfying their sinful human nature than holding up the Gospel as they saw it. Like I said, that legacy will not continue with me.

But, when my mom was in her early twenties she went to Europe. At a Roman Catholic Church there she saw old crutches and stuff left there by people who had been healed. It occured to my mom, that despite that fact that she was raise to believe that Catholicism is "wrong" that God is still very active in that church.

You know, all this reminds me of a sermon I heard on Isaiah 64:6 and the line "...and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;" She gave us one example of a group of young women who went to Afganistan with the intention of showing everyone they could the Jesus video. Well, they didn't get very far before they were kidnapped, and they were lucky to get home alive. But, when the seasoned vetran missionaries couldn't believe that these women could have been so naive and reckless. That's not how one missions to people. They don't just show up out of nowhere with a video and then leave. That has the potential to do more harm than good.

So, what I recommend is this: if you really want to serve God by exposing false Gospels. I recommend first doing your research. Get a university degree in comparitive religion if you haven't already. Read lots of books (and websites), not only written by Evangelicals on the subject, but also written by those who's Gospel you oppose. For example, I saw a book at a Christian bookstore called "Roman Catholisim: What unites us and divides us." There's a chapter called "There's no place like Rome?" about the evangelicals who have become Catholic. Search out those Catholics and ask them about their choice. And, most importantly, seek out older, wiser Christians who's work it is to expose false gospels and ask them advice on how best to go about what it is that you want to do. Because I'm not so sure they all would have told you to start such a thread.


So tell me, what credientials do you have to do this? Do you have a masters degree in religion? And before you say "all I need is to read the Bible." I'm going to tell you that it's not that simple.

I am a Christian. So I am commanded to preach the gospel(And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15). The Word says there is ONLY one gospel which will save anyone(Galatians 1:6-9). I dont need a degree in anything for me to understand that salvation is by grace and not of works. Someone who has never trusted Jesus alone for salvation and think it is EVEN partly by works are not Christians even if they claim they are. All throughout my posts I explain that I expose false gospels because I care for people enough to warn them of trap religions(such as catholiism)....Search the thread yourself and you will see what I mean.


I recommend first doing your research

I have done much research and face to face talks with people with false ideas of salvation. I have read the oppositions view on many occasions. The gospel is simple(2 Corinthians 11:3-4). We are the sinners, Jesus is the Savior! The reason why the world makes it hard is because of our pride, thinking man has a part in saving himself.


So tell me, what credientials do you have to do this? Do you have a masters degree in religion? And before you say "all I need is to read the Bible." I'm going to tell you that it's not that simple.

I am a Christian. So I am commanded to preach the gospel(And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15). The Word says there is ONLY one gospel which will save anyone(Galatians 1:6-9). I dont need a degree in anything for me to understand that salvation is by grace and not of works. Someone who has never trusted Jesus alone for salvation and think it is EVEN partly by works are not Christians even if they claim they are. All throughout my posts I explain that I expose false gospels because I care for people enough to warn them of trap religions(such as catholiism)....Search the thread yourself and you will see what I mean.
I knew you'd say that. And trust me, I see what you're getting at. It's not like I've never struggled with how to reconcile Roman Catholics' views on salvation with what is written in the Bible. I believe I know exactly what James meant when he said that our works are natural fruits of our faith and not something we can do to earn our way to Heaven. I've done a lot of research on Mormonism and they totally think that it's about works and not grace. They don't even know what grace is, really. However, we're not talking about Mormonism...

The point that I'm trying to get at is, yes, as a Christian who knows the Bible you therefore you know all you need to know about grace and salvation. And yes, I'm familiar with the Great Commission. And I have absolutely no doubt that you care for the people you believe have not heard what is accurate about grace and salvation. But that is not at all what I'm getting at. What I fear is that you don't appreciate how easy it is to do more harm than good when you (or I or anyone) preach the Gospel. It's not knowing what the truth is that's the hard part. It's knowing how to preach it without turning people off. That's what takes skill. And I really don't think there's ever an excuse not to say anything without gentleness and respect. So, what I've learned about preaching to Mormons since my days as a teenager when I'd just tell them flat out all the ways that their religion was different from traditional Christianity (which in hindsight I know is not helpful). You start by asking them, not telling them. In this book I have written by an ex-Mormon he said that his Christian friend asked them how he knew he was sure of his salvation. He gave him the standard answer, but his friend said "If salvation comes by works than Christ died in vain." I've gotten the furthest with my Mormon friends by showing them love and just living out my faith and introducing them to other Christians and (with lots of prayer) they eventually see what we have that they've been missing.


Ancilla...The problem with forums is that I dont have the luxury of expressing emotion....like this--->:)

There is no way I will ever bash anyone in the head who does not agree with me. Like I said, I wish I could have some "tone of voice" on here. Because if I had it, I would be warning them with a "caring" tone of voice. And I do witness to people face to face in love and if they disagree with me, I dont bash them in the head....But pray for them....the "WARNING" thread here is to draw attention. A person "WARNS" of the house on fire because he loves them! I try and make it clear, I make these threads out of my love and caring for bringing these people to the truth concerning salvation. I even post that I care and love people in the "about me" section of my profile to make it CLEAR in what forums and online threads do not have(conveying emotions)....I may sound harsh, but I have done it out of conviction to tell them the truth in love.....I will do a better job in the future at making sure people see my reasoning and emotions for writing these threads and replies...I do admit, I do not understand all things of the Bible, and I do not profess to be the "end all, be all truth" to every doctrine imaginable....But its the doctrine of salvation that is PIVITAL people have correct.


I recommend first doing your research (roaring kitten)

Roaring kitten... I feel like you're often misunderstood and very passionate especially with a desire to understand God's word, but what if I treated you on the basis of what you said not your intentions all the time? Nit-picking at everything?

Concerning signs and wonders....But I do not believe the apostolic "signs and wonders" are for today....Although I do believe in tongues and prophecy(the way the Word teaches it)....When people abuse it, like the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians, Chistians are not effective for the Lord.
(Roaring Kitten)

What if I judged you on the basis of that statement alone and forgot the other great things you have said? You know what you just said there many would consider at best picking out of the word what you like and leaving the rest behind.. or at worst heretical to the gospel, promulgating a lie that if acted upon would hinder men from receiving the fullness of salvation available. On the other hand.. what about if that's all you've known? Maybe you grew up in a church where there are no miracles apart from souls coming to Christ? Maybe you've never heard of one before or seen one..Maybe you grew up in a house where the Devil seems more busy on the earth doing things than God is! Did you know that the word salvation you love so much in greek is the same word for healing and deliverance?

Listen buddy, I'm not asking you to get into this.. and if you believe in some kind of cessation, then well thats your deal, (and of course we could talk about why I think that's wrong), BUT for me to make all these assumptions about you from that one thing you said.. (after all it might have been taken way out of context) well we're going to run into problems especially if you and I aren't walking in relationship with each other, or no nothing of our earnest heart's motivations.

Have you ever thought of posting a thread on the goodness of God? OR What you love about Jesus... what he's doing in/speaking to you about in your life? Maybe you have already but I'm sure there's more to you than just warning everyone about xy and z. Maybe you don't believe God speaks with a voice today? OK, but I for one would love to hear about the real roaring kitten beyond the 'defender of the faith role'. Even your journey into why you've come to the conclusions that you have, and what you feel God is calling you to? Someone said when we actually get to know you, you're a really nice sincere person... can we get to know that side of you too?

Anyway just a suggestion! :)


This all reminds me of a quote I heard

.... the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Feb 27, 2007
From watching the threads I've come to the conclusion that the Lord has given you, Roaring Kitten a strong desire for the salvation of lost souls and an absolute passion for exposing doctornal lies (or what you perceive as lies). Because there is no personal experience contained in most of your posts you seem to almost not be real. (In my opinion) I've had posts where I totally agreed with everything you said Roaring but still left the post shaking my head and wondering why you choose to post things as you do... leaving a long list of nics lying in the ditch from your ripping down. As I said before we've seen alot of roaring but have yet to meet kitten in the forum. So consider this an intervention of the Roaring... please more kitten. Not that you have to change your passion for the word because that is truly admirable. It takes all sorts to make up this body of Christ and you definitely have a very important place in that. I shudder to think what an amazing force you will be for the Lord once you learn to include empathy and not just rebuke in your instruction. God Bless you as you grow in the Lord because I do believe he is lifting you and preparing you for big things! Take the advise of the old folks on here... as hard as it may be to swallow. Also, i've noticed in the last day that you have brought it down a notch. God Bless you as you continue your journey.


This all reminds me of a quote I heard

.... the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I wrote on another thread about the Native resdiential schools in Canada where students were subjected to physical, emotional, cultural and sexual abuse, as well as gross neglect. The schools were a government initiative (they wanted to assimilate the Native people and make them like us to solve the "problem" of them) but run by the church. I read a book in my contemporary aboriginal issues class called "Victims of Benevolence." [for those of you for whom English is not your first language "benevolence" means "an expression of kindness." Just to be clear] I mean, yeah, when posting a job description for someone with teaching credientials, to work in terrible conditions in the middle of no where, for very little pay, and they probably couldn't have families because even if they didn't actually live in school, because like I said it was the middle of no where and it was year round. That kind of job is going to attract people who want 24 hour unsupervised time with children who either don't speak English or who will have no one who will believe them if they do. Yeah, that's basically why the sexual abuse was rampent. BUT that being said, there were many people, nuns for example, who genuinely thought they were doing what was best for the kids. And this is why the vast majority of Native people in Canada (and probably in the US too, the same thing happened there) are not saved.

Regrettably, history is full of these kinds of examples. You look at people who are really closed to the Gospel and you find a history of Christians who screwed up in a big way.


But its the doctrine of salvation that is PIVITAL people have correct.
Right, because we all know that if someone seeks after God their entire life and has Jesus as their saviour but misunderstands that verse in James then they're going straight to Hell. Is that what you're saying? [don't answer that, I'm being sarcastic]

I mean, you're right that if there's one thing in your life that you don't want to be wrong about, it's how to get to Heaven instead of Hell. But... I don't know, if someone has Jesus has their saviour, but thinks doing some good work on the side wouldn't hurt, who am I to say where they'll end up?

I think of it like this: one has to accept that Jesus died on the cross for their sins in order to get to Heaven, right? If you reject Jesus, you reject God, right? Well, what about someone who seeks after God their entire life but was told lies about Jesus. Do they go to Hell? Does God have a "You didn't reject Jesus, you rejected a false Jesus and therefore I can't really say you rejected Jesus and I know that you would have accepted Jesus if you knew the truth about him" clause? Well, I don't know that. I don't think any living person can say for sure if they know that. So when I see people who deligently seek after God but have not heard correct information about Jesus (and because I near so many Orthodox Jews, I see a lot of them) I pray for them and trust in the character of God.

I try and make it clear, I make these threads out of my love and caring for bringing these people to the truth concerning salvation.
But this is what I don't understand. If you wanted to share the truth about salvation, why didn't you just title your thread "The Turth about Salvation"? And then just share what the Bible says on salvation, without actually mentioning what anyone else teaches. That way if anyone reading it is following a false Gospel, then they can read what you wrote and know the difference. That way you also don't have to be an expert in false Gospels or in Roman Catholisim and no one gets hurt.

See, the reason why I (and I think others) are coming down on you so hard is that this thread has been a real sorce of hurt and division and so we have to wonder if it's from God.



"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
Very true.

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't read all 417 posts of this thread. But has anyone brought up Matthew 25, or its counterparts in the other Gospels. If not here it is (and, by the way, I'm legally obligated to tell everyone that this is from the New International Version)

31"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' 46"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

So how does that fit into the faith not works Gospel?


And, might I remind you that I heard that the Roman Catholic church feeds and clothes more needy on any given day than any other non-government organization.


I was looking through the thread for Suaso's posts and I can't seem to find them. Am I blind? Where did they go??

Well, I'm pretty frustrated because there are other questions I wanted to ask him, but I can't because now I fear he's gone forever! Furthermore, now I'm worried that this thread has scared off other Roman Catholics, and that's frustrating because I joined this site in the first place to get perspective from all different kinds of Christians. [insert frustrated emoticon here]

Incidently, how do you put the emoticons in the middle of your text, just like this? :)
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