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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2018
EVERYTHING that Jesus instructed His disciples (not the general public or the religious leaders) is required.

However we do not need to catalog those instructions and attempt to obey them.

Phil 2:13
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

We believers need only get out of the way and let it happen.
Well they have already been cataloged, it's called the word, but that estimation there is no reason to read the word. Seeing how many doctrines there are from different views of the word I think people would be even farther off track with no word.

I agree we are to follow what He taught, I disagree that we should bind it to our mind and heart and seek to obey it, the spirit guides and the word is the Spirit:

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]1 John 3:24, “And the one guarding His commands stays in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He stays in us, by the Spirit which He gave us.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Mat 24:35, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My teachings will not pass away.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]John/Yahanan 5:39, “You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]John/Yahanan 14:26, “But the Comforter; the Holy Spirit which YHWH will send in My Name will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I (Yahshua/Jesus) have said to you.”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]John/Yahanan 6:63, “It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words (Instructions) that I (Yahshua/Jesus) speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life everlasting.” [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]John 14:23-24, “[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]יהושע [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me.”[/FONT]


Colossians 3:23 ►
New International Version
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2015
Well they have already been cataloged, it's called the word, but that estimation there is no reason to read the word. Seeing how many doctrines there are from different views of the word I think people would be even farther off track with no word.

I agree we are to follow what He taught, I disagree that we should bind it to our mind and heart and seek to obey it, the spirit guides and the word is the Spirit:

1 John 3:24, “And the one guarding His commands stays in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He stays in us, by the Spirit which He gave us.”

Mat 24:35, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My teachings will not pass away.”

John/Yahanan 5:39, “You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.”

John/Yahanan 14:26, “But the Comforter; the Holy Spirit which YHWH will send in My Name will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I (Yahshua/Jesus) have said to you.”

John/Yahanan 6:63, “It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words (Instructions) that I (Yahshua/Jesus) speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life everlasting.”

John 14:23-24, “יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me.”

Gal 5:1-16
5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
7 Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?
8 This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.
9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
10 I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.
11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased.
12 I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Te whole discussion of circumcision in this passage is not about the act itself.

I am certain that Paul, himself, was circumcised. This passage speaks against putting people back under Law.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2018
I guess everything Yahshua/Jesus said is abolished then huh?

Oh wait no its not:

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Mat 24:35, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My teachings will not pass away.”[/FONT]

Gal 5:1-16
5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.
7 Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?
8 This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.
9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
10 I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.
11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased.
12 I would they were even cut off which trouble you.
13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Te whole discussion of circumcision in this passage is not about the act itself.

I am certain that Paul, himself, was circumcised. This passage speaks against putting people back under Law.
1 Corinthians 7:19, "For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of Yah?"

Romans 6:1-2, "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?"

1 John 3:4, "Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Law; for sin is the transgression of the Law."

Romans 7:7, Shall we therefore say that the Law is sin? No! By no means! But to the contrary, I did not know sin; transgression of the Law, except through the Law, for I did not know lust, unless the Law had said: Do not covet."

Romans 7:12, "Therefore the Law is holy, and the commandments are holy, and just, and righteous."

Ephesians 6:2-3, "Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with a promise: That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth."

2 Peter/Kepha 3:15-17, "and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Paul/Sha’ul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him, as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. You, then, beloved ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the delusion of the lawless, but grow in the favor and knowledge of our Master and Savior יהושע Messiah. To Him be the esteem both now and to a day that abides. Amĕn.”


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2015
Well they have already been cataloged, it's called the word, but that estimation there is no reason to read the word. Seeing how many doctrines there are from different views of the word I think people would be even farther off track with no word.

I agree we are to follow what He taught, I disagree that we should bind it to our mind and heart and seek to obey it, the spirit guides and the word is the Spirit:

1 John 3:24, “And the one guarding His commands stays in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He stays in us, by the Spirit which He gave us.”

Mat 24:35, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My teachings will not pass away.”

John/Yahanan 5:39, “You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.”

John/Yahanan 14:26, “But the Comforter; the Holy Spirit which YHWH will send in My Name will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I (Yahshua/Jesus) have said to you.”

John/Yahanan 6:63, “It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words (Instructions) that I (Yahshua/Jesus) speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life everlasting.”

John 14:23-24, “יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me.”

Those instructions which Jesus gave directly to his disciples are scattered among four gospels and Revelation.

Those instructions given by inspiration through the writer of Hebrews, Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude are also worthy of obedience. They are scattered among 22 separate books.

They are not cataloged into a list like the ten commandments.

That is not the way Jesus intends for them to be followed.

That is the intent of my previous post.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2018
Those instructions which Jesus gave directly to his disciples are scattered among four gospels and Revelation.

Those instructions given by inspiration through the writer of Hebrews, Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude are also worthy of obedience. They are scattered among 22 separate books.

They are not cataloged into a list like the ten commandments.

That is not the way Jesus intends for them to be followed.

That is the intent of my previous post.
So the Messiah dseont want people to catalog His techings... Where is that written?

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Mat 7:24-27, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does them, shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not do them, shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat on that house, and it fell, and great was its fall.” [/FONT]


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2015
It is one of the central themes of the NT. If you don't see it yourself, there is no way to show it to you.

You have missed a main point and have no interest in picking it up.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2018
So the Messiah dseont want people to catalog His techings... Where is that written?

Mat 7:24-27, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does them, shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not do them, shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat on that house, and it fell, and great was its fall.”
It is one of the central themes of the NT. If you don't see it yourself, there is no way to show it to you.

You have missed a main point and have no interest in picking it up.
If it were a central teaching you would be able to provide Scripture. You can not because this is made up.The central message of the NT is Yahshua is the Messiah and to hear and obey His words.

1 John 3:24, “And the one guarding His commands stays in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He stays in us, by the Spirit which He gave us.”

John 13:35, “By this shall all know that you are My taught ones, if you have love for one another.”

John/Yahanan 14:6, "Yahshua proclaimed to him: I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, except through Me."

John/Yahanan 10:16, "And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one Shepherd (4166 –poimén)."

Mat 24:35, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My teachings will not pass away.”

John/Yahanan 5:39, “You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.”

John/Yahanan 14:26, “But the Comforter; the Holy Spirit which YHWH will send in My Name will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I (Yahshua/Jesus) have said to you.”

John/Yahanan 6:63, “It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words (Instructions) that I (Yahshua/Jesus) speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life everlasting.”

John 14:23-24, “יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me.”

2 John 1:9, “Everyone who is transgressing and not staying in the teaching of Messiah does not possess YHWH. The one who stays in the teaching of Messiah possesses both the Father and the Son.”

John/Yahanan 10:27-30, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; neither will any man snatch them out of My hand. My Father, Who gave them to Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand: I and My Father are in accord."

John/Yahanan 12:48, "He who rejects Me, and does not follow My words has One Who judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same will be used to judge him in the last day."

2 John/Yahanan 1:9, "Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of the Messiah, does not have Yah. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son."

John 5:43, “I have come in My Father's Name, but you do not follow Me. Let another come in his own name; him you will follow.”

John/Yahanan 7:16-17, "Yahshua answered, them, and said: My doctrine is not Mine, but His Who sent Me. If any man will do His will, he will know about this teaching, whether it comes from YHWH, or whether I am speaking of My own authority."

Mat 4:4, “But He answering, said, “It has been written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of יהוה.” (Deut 8:3)

John/Yahanan 12:48, "He who rejects Me, and does not follow My words has One Who judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same will be used to judge him in the last day."

John 14:23-24, "יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word which you hear is not Mine but of the Father Who sent Me.”

John/Yahanan 15:5-16, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, produces much fruit; but without Me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away like a branch, and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and letting My words; abide in you, you will ask what you will, and it will be done for you. In this is My Father glorified: when you produce much fruit; and in this way you become My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you; continue in My love. If you keep My Commands, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's Commands, and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be complete. This is My Command: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: that one would lay down his life on behalf of his brothers. You are My brothers, if you do whatever I command you.”
Jun 5, 2017
God WORD says that we can choose to worship on the Sabbath or treat each day like the Sabbath. the Sabbath is God's rest and a time to remind us of our Heavenly Father's love and His promise that we will get to go back HOME one day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cRh8NqXE
Now Ariel, is this the best you can do? Pointing people to the word of website in place of the Word of God?

If you do not know the Word of God for yourself how will you know if your not following the blind leaders who lead the blind? If you follow the blind will you not also fall into a ditch when the road is narrow and your lamp has gone out?

Now you can refuse all the scriptures sent you earlier or BELIEVE and FOLLOW him who calls you in LOVE to LOVE. I do not judge you. It is the Word of God that will judge us all in the last days. (John 12:47-48). It is time to leave Sunday school God wants you to grow on the meat of the Word.


God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

In times of ignorance God winks at but now calls all men everywhere to REPENT for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND (Acts 17:30-31)

Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has led many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)

Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2013
Should not the emphasis be on following the teaching of Jesus out of love for Him because we want to? His yoke is easy.

The alternative would be to follow Christ's teaching as if it was Old Testament law that consequently becomes a duty and a burden? That surely cannot be right?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
Now Ariel, is this the best you can do? Pointing people to the word of website in place of the Word of God?

If you do not know the Word of God for yourself how will you know if your not following the blind leaders who lead the blind? If you follow the blind will you not also fall into a ditch when the road is narrow and your lamp has gone out?

Now you can refuse all the scriptures sent you earlier or BELIEVE and FOLLOW him who calls you in LOVE to LOVE. I do not judge you. It is the Word of God that will judge us all in the last days. (John 12:47-48). It is time to leave Sunday school God wants you to grow on the meat of the Word.


God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

In times of ignorance God winks at but now calls all men everywhere to REPENT for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND (Acts 17:30-31)

Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has led many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)

Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?
perhaps if you are going to chastise others for using websites, you remove the ellen white propaganda site from yours?

and, the meat of the Word is not Sabbath. when Paul listed the sinful works of the flesh, not keeping the Sabbath was not listed as one of them. and, when Paul listed the fruits of the Sprit, keeping the Sabbath was not listed. nor did Jesus mention it in the Sermon of the Mount.
would you not agree that those Scriptures are meat of the Word? and no mention of Sabbath.
Jun 5, 2017
Should not the emphasis be on following the teaching of Jesus out of love for Him because we want to? His yoke is easy.

The alternative would be to follow Christ's teaching as if it was Old Testament law that consequently becomes a duty and a burden? That surely cannot be right?
Absolutely Faith that WORKS by LOVE is what fulfill God's LAW in the HEART of the BELIEVER who follows him who calls them. If we are still in our sins however we do not KNOW him who loves us. Those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's Words are the ones who LOVE him who calls us to LOVE
Jun 5, 2017
perhaps if you are going to chastise others for using websites, you remove the ellen white propaganda site from yours? and, the meat of the Word is not Sabbath. when Paul listed the sinful works of the flesh, not keeping the Sabbath was not listed as one of them. and, when Paul listed the fruits of the Sprit, keeping the Sabbath was not listed. nor did Jesus mention it in the Sermon of the Mount. would you not agree that those Scriptures are meat of the Word? and no mention of Sabbath.
For me, he must increase and I must decrease. I only point all to the Word of God because it is there we find the one who loves us that we may love him. I know him and am known by him. All that he shows me I see and must show to all because I am blind. He tells me it is those that see that do not see.

These are they that have once known him or do not know him. Who am I that he should choose me out of the world? I am no one but he is all. If I did not believe him I would not know him. What can I do without him? He is love and now I love. I follow him now because I love him who first loved me.

I share God's Word with you my friend, but you do not hear him because you have chosen not to hear his Word to you. I do not judge you but His Word will judge us because they are there for all to see. All are welcome to see and hear God's Word, however many are called but few are chosen.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
For me, he must increase and I must decrease. I only point all to the Word of God because it is there we find the one who loves us that we may love him. I know him and am known by him. All that he shows me I see and must show to all because I am blind. He tells me it is those that see that do not see.

These are they that have once known him or do not know him. Who am I that he should choose me out of the world? I am no one but he is all. If I did not believe him I would not know him. What can I do without him? He is love and now I love. I follow him now because I love him who first loved me.

I share God's Word with you my friend, but you do not hear him because you have chosen not to hear his Word to you. I do not judge you but His Word will judge us because they are there for all to see. All are welcome to see and hear God's Word, however many are called but few are chosen.
ahh, I see. any Scripture that does not mention Sabbath is not " God's Word ". so, that is why works of the flesh, fruits of the Sprit, Sermon on the Mount, etc.. mean nothing to you.

keep this in mind people. this guy thinks that the mentioning the Sermon on the Mount is not " sharing God's Word ", then he says at times he wants to " help" us. wow.
Jun 5, 2017
ahh, I see. any Scripture that does not mention Sabbath is not " God's Word ". so, that is why works of the flesh, fruits of the Sprit, Sermon on the Mount, etc.. mean nothing to you. keep this in mind people. this guy thinks that the mentioning the Sermon on the Mount is not " sharing God's Word ", then he says at times he wants to " help" us. wow.
Well my friend nothing you have written above has any truth in it. This is sad for you. It only shows that the light shines in darkness; but the darkness does not understand.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Light is come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that does truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Who can know the Word of God when there is no Word?

Do you know the scriptures gb9?


God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

In times of ignorance God winks at but now calls all men everywhere to REPENT for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND (Acts 17:30-31)

Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has led many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)

Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
Well my friend nothing you have written above has any truth in it. This is sad for you. It only shows that the light shines in darkness; but the darkness does not understand.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Light is come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that does truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Who can know the Word of God when there is no Word?

Do you know the scriptures gb9?


God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

In times of ignorance God winks at but now calls all men everywhere to REPENT for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND (Acts 17:30-31)

Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has led many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)

Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?
every post you make proves what that you do not know ( or care ) about anything except Sabbath. so, once again, you only consider Scripture that mentions Sabbath as " God's Word ".

God's Word is Jesus ( the Word was with God, the Word was God, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us)'

the Sabbath is not the word, the Sabbath did not become flesh, the Sabbath has NOTHING to do with Christian Salvation .
Jun 5, 2017
every post you make proves what that you do not know ( or care ) about anything except Sabbath. so, once again, you only consider Scripture that mentions Sabbath as " God's Word ". God's Word is Jesus ( the Word was with God, the Word was God, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us)' the Sabbath is not the word, the Sabbath did not become flesh, the Sabbath has NOTHING to do with Christian Salvation .

It is SIN that will keep all who practice it out of God's Kingdom. This is the darkness that was spoken about earlier that many love because it hides who they really are. But he who sees sees all nothing is hidden in the light.

All I can do without him is sin for I am a sinner. Who am I that he should love me? I love him because he loves me but now I walk by faith in him that loves me and abide in him and he in me.

His commands are his promises to me so I can follow him and walk in his ways. The victory that overcomes the world is only found in him and he is the Word that creates all things and works in those who believe.

Those that do not believe are still in their sins because they do not know him. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known come judgement day.

The mirror shows the way that all must look into it and see themselves. Then we can see the one who loves us and know the one who is calling us. It is the small voice behind us saying this is the way walk you in it. It is hard to kick against the pricks….

Do you know the scriptures gb9?


God's 4th commandment is one of the ten (Exodus 20:8-11) If we knowingly break it when God asks us not to we stand guilty before God of committing sin (James 2:8-12). If we do not seek him in repentance and forgiveness we are in danger of the Judgement (Hebrews 10:26-27)

In times of ignorance God winks at but now calls all men everywhere to REPENT for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND (Acts 17:30-31)

Sunday worship is a tradition and teaching of man that has led many to break the commandments of God. Jesus says that if we follow the traditions of man that break the commandments of God we are not following God (Matthew 15:3-9)

Who should we follow the teachings and traditions of men or the Word of God? Who should we believe the Words of men or the Word of God?


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2015
What I will try to add to this discussion is not biblical, in that I can not quote scriptural passages, so if you are not interested in anything else, pass this post up.

First I will say that Acts 15:29 lists the four things that will defile our personal temples. No other commandment that I am aware of is an assault on our own person or temple. I know that the Holy Spirit does not dwell with evil so I don't know if it leaves if these sins are being committed and comes back after a prayer of forgiveness, or stays anyway. Just a thought.

As for the Sabbath, I feel that it, like all of the other commandments, should be obeyed to the extent that the believer thinks he or she should follow them. I also believe, the greater the faith, the more the desire to follow. If the believer is truly a believer, I am sure the desire, or lack of same, to follow these commandments will only be items for God to judge our rewards by later. I don't think they will be a cause of condemnation, after all the verses in Romans 10:9-10 doesn't say we have to follow commandments to be saved.

Romans 10:9-10 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
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Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
As for the Sabbath, I feel that it, like all of the other commandments, should be obeyed to the extent that the believer thinks he or she should follow them. I also believe, the greater the faith, the more the desire to follow. If the believer is truly a believer, I am sure the desire, or lack of same, to follow these commandments will only be items for God to judge our rewards by later. I don't think they will be a cause of condemnation, after all the verses in Romans 10:9-10 doesn't say we have to follow commandments to be saved.
What the believer wishes to do and what the believer has the power to do are two totally different things.

Matthew 5:48 [FONT=&quot]Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

When a 'believer' or anyone else desires to obey the law that is the standard. Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.

So you can continue to fall short, just trying your best, banging your head against the wall getting nowhere, or you can try something New and Different.

Here's the old way;
Romans 9:31-32
[FONT=&quot]31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;

They tried their best to the extent that they thought they should follow them.

Galatians 2:19-21

[FONT=&quot]19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

This is the New Way through Christ.

Romans 10:3-4

[FONT=&quot]3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.[/FONT]
Jun 5, 2017
What the believer wishes to do and what the believer has the power to do are two totally different things.
I think this is the whole point none of us have the power to do what God asks us.

The Gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation to everyone who BELIEVES.

When Jesus says COME if you BELIEVE you WILL walk on water and if the son shall make you free you shall be FREE indeed (we are talking about SIN here).

SIN will keep all who KNOWINGLY continue to practice it out of God's Kingdom.